New lighting system - need input!

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J McCauley

Active member
Mar 29, 2004
Romeoville. Illinois
I have a 125 AGA that I am building a hood and lighting system for and I need input. I plan on a mixed reef environment (soft, hard, clams, ect...) Plan is for (3) 250 HQI pendants and (2) 6 foot VHO actinic. Will put one actinic in front and one behind the (3) HQI metal halides. Light plan would be for the (2) VHO's to come on then 2 hours later the HQI's would come on and the VHO's would go off. This would be reversed at the end of the day.

Would like thoughts on this concept.

Thanks in advance for your help!
good. but i would run the vho's all day long with the halides. there will be a little bit extra heat, but most of the heat is going to come from the MH's and most MH bulbs look better with actinic vho supplementation. I would also recommend the reef optix 3 pendants.
That sounds like a good plan on the lights. Keep in mind w/ all that light that you may run into the need for a chiller. I personally have been pretty happy w/ MH only. I run 2 250's over my 90g and that is it. I run them for about 9 hours a day, and I am right on the verge of getting a chiller.