New MH-acclimating corals

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Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
St. Louis
On my new tank, I switched to 2 36" Sunpod MH lights for 125g. It is the 2x150 each. My corals are presently in (I know this is unusual for a 75) Marineland T5 4bulb with acentic x 2 sets for total 8 bulbs covering entire length of tank (the fixture is the same length as the tank...not 1 on each half).

Anyway, how do I acclimate the corals to the MH lights? The sunpods also have T5s. I read you can use some type of acrylic shield but not sure.....

My corals have already been stressed so much due to a temp spike before I got a chiller and then I had a small fire a few days later behind my sump due to a cheap power strip (all within a matter of a month or so) so I am afraid the move and new lights might push them over the edge. I am getting rid of most of my fish so that I can lessen my bioload wiht the switch so I can focus on the corals at this point....hopefully it will work (plus replanning a little what I want)

thanks in advance for any advice