New person from Renton WA

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2012
Issaquah WA

I just got a 37 gal tall and am brand spanking new to saltwater. Got a few books to read and surfing the web like crazy. No critters in the tank other than live rock and sand, just waiting for the salinity to get stabilized.

I've joined a couple of reef forums including the Puget Sound one but it doesn't look too active.

Would love to hear from people and know of upcoming events and where the best deals are. I am currently trying to find LED lighting.


Welcome to the site this is a great place with great and knowledgable people. And theres plenty of people on here willing to help you with what ever you may need.
Hey Amy,
welcome to RF.
And welcome to the hobby. Your going to love it.
There are a few sponsors that carry LED lighting. Check them all out and ask questions. I am running 3 different brands of LED lights. They are all pretty good as far as color. Some more expensive than others because of programing and dimming capabilities. Oceans By Design has one that is very reasonably priced. I have not use it yet, but I know they are better than some I am using. And less expensive than others. Check with some of our sponsors on the brands they carry and see which you prefer.

Puget Sound Aquarium Society's activity is building. They are doing a lot of good things. The meeting on the 27th is going to be a great topic and at Oceans By Design, I believe. I wish I could go. If you can, you should go. It will be a great time.

Look forward to following along with you on your new tank. When you are able to post pics, start a new thread in the members showcase forum.

Welcome again and hope you enjoy RF and the hobby.
Hi Amy,

Welcome to the neighborhood. We are located in Renton and carry LED lighting options. Hope you enjoy years of successful reefing:)


Welcome to RF...

May I suggest the following book to read:

The Conscientious Marine Aquarist: A Commonsense Handbook for Successful Saltwater Hobbyists (Microcosm/T.F.H. Professional): Robert M. Fenner, Matthew L. Wittenrich, Scott W. Michael, Alf Jacob Nilsen, Christopher Turk: 9781890087999: Bo

This book will answer most of the question you will have. It is in my reef library and even though I have over 18yrs in this hobby, I still use it for reference when adding a new fish.

What do you plan on having in the tank?
Thank you for the warm welcome. I've been to Barrier Reef & found the staff to very patient and helpful. Plan A is to have the inverts and very few fish, however, knowing how I love bright color and designs this could be a lost cause.:oops: I was advised on another forum to stick with the T5s that came w/ my set up because I may want to upgrade later to a larger tank and I can learn the "dos' and "don'ts" on this one without losing a lot of $. I appreciate the heads on the book reccomendation as well. I currently have Saltwater for Dummies, The Nano Reef Handbook & just picked up The Coarl Reef Aquarium: Inception to Completion. I can hardly wait to meet others at get togethers and expos. :D
Hi guys. I just recieved the book The Coral Reef Aquarium From Inception to Completion by Tony Vargas and it's a little too advanced for me at this time. It brand spanking new. I paid about $36 for it. Would like something close to that or trade for Consciencentious Marine Aquarist if someone has an extra copy. Picked up some new light, testing kit,thermeter and temperature gauge so it should be long now. :D
Thats a great book and a year from now your going to wish you still had it. I'd hold onto it if I were you.
Welcome! are you going to have a sump? refugium? many will offer free stuff for new people and I can offer macro algea, pink pulsing zenia, and an ocellaris clown or two if I can catch em.

pm if you are interested. I am located in buckley wa.
Welcome! are you going to have a sump? refugium? many will offer free stuff for new people and I can offer macro algea, pink pulsing zenia, and an ocellaris clown or two if I can catch em.

pm if you are interested. I am located in buckley wa.

Very true! I've got cheato donated to me the first day i signed up! Lots of cool people on here enjoy!
Amy, just letting you know... +1 here from Renton 98055 area. Just keep us updated on your progress and if you have questions, fire away.