New reef questions????

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emerald crab
Jul 3, 2010
Kirkland, Washington
Hi everyone

So last week I bought my very first coral pieces!!:D I got a brown and orange zoanthid, a piece of Red Montipora capricornus, and a branching green hammer LPS....I got all three pieces at Barrier Reef Aquariums in Renton (which is by far my FAVORITE store!! Its sooo awsome!everyone should go there!:D..) but n e ways, I was SUPER excited to final get some coral in my tank, so here's some questions that i need some help with:

First of all, I want to put in some more live rock into my tank so that I can have a place to grow more corals on it, is it ok to put in more rock when I have coral in my tank??

Second, if it IS ok to do so, then would it be dangerous to place corals in the tank the same day as the live rock?? and by that I mean, if I bought some LR on the same day as buying some frags or watever, would it be ok to put them in at the same time?

Any info on the matter or just any advice/tips regarding coral would be greatly appreciated!:)

there is never a time when adding established live rock is not OK...but the operative word here is ESTABLISHED..the other word people use is CURED..same principle.

to tell, do a nose test...if the live rock smells like fresh ocean, then it is OK; if the LR smells like sulphur, then NOT OK, and needs to go to a holding tank until it is CURED
Thanks for the kind words! We concur with the above information:) Fully cured Fiji Rock on sale Sat the 11th for 3.99/lb. Fully cured Alor Rock 9.99/lb then 30% off the same day:D
It is a risk you can take to add live rock and corals at the same time because you are adding a big bio load. You might go through a mini cycle but will go away in no time if you have an established tank. I would do a 10-15 percent water change if you do add them. Goodluck and have fun with your corals. FYI if you do a water change use RO/DI water preferably.
If you have to cure it --- it is junk. If it does not have s lot of life already growing on it, it is junk ! It should be covered in life and fill of holes and pores. If not, don't buy it. Buy some grunge and cure your own if in doubt. If you buy it on-line and they ship it --- cure it -- a lot of life will die.
