New Saltie on the Block

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2005
Hey all,

I am looking for LFS' in and around the Seattle area which are worth the drive for! I am planning a 100gal and am looking to start it with LR next week. I haven't found any LFS' which have really impressed me with the quality or quantity of stock. Help!

Any advice as to where I should get it? I am thinking Uncured and I like the fiji.

Thanks in advance! :)
Welcome :)

Have you been to salt water city/ blue sierra/ these have good quality
around kirkland is denny's pet world but fish I got there had parasites but then that can happen anywhere of cource some stores unfortunately don't even use RO but then get really good live stuff like Pet emporium so go figure? I haven't seen them all but if you have sompthing in mind just post for that item like wanted live rock and I just know you will get PM's . Have you got everthing you need a sump a skimmer pumps lights ?
The drive to The Shark Reef is worth it for LR. They have the best stuff I've seen. The rock I've seen at Blue Sierra and Denny's is very boring and un-colorful. The Shark Reef's was full of coraline and bright purple. Take a day and make the trip over there. I guarantee you will come back with more than just LR :)
Never been there yet I have also heard there corals are quite nice :) also supposed to be near a place like plant world some landscaped place if i remembere th post correctly.
I was going to go there called first he said to pass on it as he was closing up shop and did not have the pc lights I needed just then but I do plan on going there.
THANKS!!! I'm so pleased to see folks from the region! I would love to meet any of you just to pick your brains! I haven't bought ANYTHING yet and was planning on hitting Denny's Pet World's anual sale this weekend. They sell their tanks/stands at dealer cost. I thought is was a pretty good deal (not sure though). I suppose I should ask where you all suggest I make the big purchase? :)
Checkout Bluesierra for tank's. The rest post what you want :) someone may have one to sell?
Alright, I have another question...

I'll probably be getting the tank and equipment on Saturday morning - 9am. My husband and I are planning on spending the day setting it up and running it over night. I have looked at the web site for "the shark tank" and I totally will go over there on Sunday. Now my question. Is it okay to get the live rock on Sunday and toss it in the tank then? I know that they key to a ballanced environment it patience, so should I be waiting longer than 24 hours before putting the uncured LR into the tank?
Personally, I would put uncured live rock in a garbage can just because there will be some detritus associated with uncured live rock die-off. If it is cured live rock, on the other hand, you can put it directly into the tank. But, putting it into a garbage can anyway will give you a chance to evaluate the pieces and plan your aquascaping better.
Also if you had some and it was not fully cured you could get a new plastic laundry tub filled with new salt water and put a heater and a pump in there to re circulate the water for 2-3 weeks or longer ( it should not smell bad anymore by then) and let the bacteria run it's course some will die off and some will start up yet again then you could add it to a tank without worries or problems
I agree with the above suggestions to put the live rock in the garage to begin with. Let it fully cure and run it's cycle completely, and take that time to plan out, and set up the plumbing for the display tank.

You may want to post your ideas for the tank in the general forum to get more exposure to your post.
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You will be VERY happy with the Live Rock you receive from The Shark Reef! As your tank will be cycling, I would put The Shark Reef's LR directly into my tank, and let it cycle. Their LR is as close to fully cured as you will find up in the pacific north west... so if you do get ANY cycle (Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate spikes), they will be gone within 3 to 5 days.

Wil (Shark Reef Employee) may tell you that you can put in their LR Sunday, and begin stocking that very day as well. Personally, I'd wait until the following weekend, testing my levels... so I really KNEW my tank was ready!

And... yes, the Shark Reef is located in a very nicely stocked Nursery here... called "Clear Creek Nursery". They are worth a walk-around while you're there as well! *Smile*
THANK YOU! I will call them before taking the treck over! I was all excited that it was only 50 miles away, then I learned that I had to take a ferry?!?!? Oh well, DAY TRIP!!! :)
Oh - I called Shark Reef today and they are planning a new shipment for next weekend. So thanks for the heads up! I'll save a lot more time waiting and going when he has ample!
Hey Salty Temple!

Sounds like you are getting your ducks in a row. :) Will we get to meet you during the tank tour this Saturday?
Reading back at my idea of setting the tank up and getting live rock in one weekend? ha ha ha, I was so naive! It's taken us two weeks to plumb it and get the RO/DI water in it! The trip to Shark Reef isn't happening until THIS weekend! Now I'm ready for the rock! (then inverts in 36 hours... wait a sec, more like three weeks at this rate!)
Alright - Got the LR (110lbs), been two days and everything is still registering 0ppm. What do I add next? I was thinking of doing a cleaner pack but want to make sure there will be enough stuff to feed them...
You can put some shrimp pellets and a spirolina disk (or two) in the tank. They sink, and the critters will find them. As long as everything is gone the next day, you are OK. After you start adding fish, you can reduce the shrimp pellets and spirolina.
Blazer88 said:
The drive to The Shark Reef is worth it for LR. They have the best stuff I've seen. The rock I've seen at Blue Sierra and Denny's is very boring and un-colorful. The Shark Reef's was full of coraline and bright purple. Take a day and make the trip over there. I guarantee you will come back with more than just LR :)

Thank you all for your support and wonderful feedback on our Live Rock. I am glad so many of you are so happy with it, I sure am.