New Skimmer

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Reef Keeper
Jul 5, 2003
Going to try my hand at building a new skimmer for the beast. I put together a drawing to show it, so let me know what you think.
Here is the over all concept. The unit will be a little over 6 feet in height, the base will be a square that is 24" tall by 16 by 13. It will use 4 x 900GPH ocean runner PH with Pin Wheels and venturi. It will be feed by a mag 9. The unit will incorporate a "Wet Neck", which basicall is a very thin layer of water that travels down the inside of the tubes. What this does is create a more easy surface for the foam to raise up the tube and doesnt allow scum to stick to the sides.
Anyway I will post a picture and then list what the components are.

Oh Mike,

That is going to be a very efficient skimmer. I feel that this design will be soo much better then that ETSS you are running. The only trick is the venturi's, are you going to make the venturi's yourself, or use commercially available units? When do you expect to have this thing going?
1=the box it is square but will have 8 inch tube quarters in the corners to round it off 24inches high, by 13 x 16

2=Ocean Runner 3700 with pinwheel x 4

3=venturi for the OR

4=Bulkhead into skimmer box

5=output pipe in the skimmer box drawing off the bottom

6=output back to frag tank

7=input pipe from Mag 9

8=3/4 tee

9=1/2 gate valve controling water flow to the drip system

10=8 inch acrylic main riser tube

11= small drip ledge to carry water from the above tube and creat a sheet of water on the inside of the main riser tube.

12=6 inch acrylic neck tube

13= 12 inch tall, 10 inch acrylic foam cup

14=upper drip ledge that takes dripped water from the drip tubes and transfers to the inside face of the neck tube.

15=1/4 inch drip tubes from the drip manifolds

16=drip manifold. 1/2 inch input x four 1/4 inch drip tubes

17= 1/2 line from mag 9 input pump to drip manifold

18= venturi airlines

Got all the parts tom except for the pumps, so I will start the fabrication tommorrow, if your bored come on out, lol

So I guess your not watching the 'Hawks get there butt handed to them?
Well if you are working on it on Tuesday or Wednesday I may be able to come over and play. Or next weekend I don't have to work. It really sux that I am working this weekend because I really wanted to go to that meeting last night. Was it good?

BTW is this 'wet neck' a tried and true method? I have never heard of it. I have heard of wash down systems in the commercial skimmers but never this. It seems like it could work to me. Does the water get picked up at the bottom of the neck and washed up to the top? Or does it drip down the neck against the flow of the foam?
Tom the wet neck concept started in europe and is in use on some commercial grade skimmers here. The idea is that the drip system being feed by the mag 9 off shoot creates a thin wall of water coming down the neck tub and the main chamber tube. The interface between the water and the foam rising up the skimmer is far smoother and easier then it is for the foam interfacing up the acrylic itself.

Do you have any links? I can't seem to find any info w/ google or yahoo. I could very well introduce such a system on my next skimmer that I am planning right now. Mine is 8" tube and about 28" tall with a 4" neck. I may order another oceanrunner 2700 and run 1 of them euroreef style and the other deltec style, and I could use a PH to do the drip down thingie. I suspect that this could be a great way to keep the skimmer running at peak efficiency all the time with out cleaning the neck, ever! That would be a great revolution for me :D
wow! That's some serious skimmer =). Hey Mike, can i come over and see if i could see the beast? Let me know, if you need help on building that project.


Looks good Mike! Hope it works for ya! I'm in between baby time!lol

Talk to you soon! Call me tommorrow about the valve!! Eric
OMG. What are you doing? Using your swimming pool as an aquarium? How big of a tank do you have for that? Shouldn't that large of a skimmer be sufficient for well over 1000 gallons?
I'm very interested to see it in action! Looks like a gunk pulling, tank cleaning monster! ;)
Are ya done yet? ;)

Keep the progress report going Mike. I'm very interested to see how it works. Like the idea of the wash down drip system. That should maintain the efficiency like Tom pointed out.

Cool project
glad to hear youre still keeping things small and simple Mike- keep us informed..