Any one have a 92 corner bow front? I have a new set up coming in the next 2 weeks and want to see what you have for equipment and how you aquascaped. Show me your tanks!!!
You should post this Qu. in the General discussion forum. You will get a better response
Kirsh you out there? Can you redirect this.
I think it is the right move????
Search the member showcase forum. You'll find plenty of examples on corner tanks there. This sub forum probably won't be much help as this is more intended for technical specs/build details.
Welcome to RF and let me know if you need anything!
Welcome to RF!! :welcome: I think Brian (brenden) had a corner tank at one point. I will double check and see if I can find the thread. If so, I'll post the link.
Thanks for moving my post, my computer died on me I had to get a new one, computer viruses are as bad as ICK! The pictures are great, the corner 92 gallon tanks are not too common, pictures are hard to find.