New Tank. Need Equipment Advice.

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Oct 13, 2012
Portland, Oregon
Hi. I've met some of you in the "New to Reefkeeping" forum area. I received a warm welcome and great advice from some very knowledgeable people. I've spent a couple of weeks perusing this site, participating in the SW Beginner Contest and reading a couple of books.

After many successful FW tanks, I'm ready to start the ball rolling on my first reef tank. I'd like this to someday be a full reef tank - not just FOWLR - but I'm going to start slow. Real slow. I get that. :nerd:

Yesterday I ordered an Aqueon drilled glass 75g tank, stand, overflows and plumbing, and a 30g long tank to use as a SUMP. I intend the sump to have a refugium with a dsb.

I will have aragonite substrate and intend to start with dry rock and some bacteria in a bottle (yes I read THAT whole thread).

In order to reduce that inevitable Moron Cycle - I'm asking for your help in getting the right equipment up front. Most of it is new to me, and I'm not sure what to get. While there is a lot of information on this forum and others regarding specific equipment, I still don't know what would be appropriate for my tank size and/or given what I want to do. :confused:

1) Return pump for the sump
2) Skimmer
3) RO/DI unit - could use advice on percentage and frequency of water changes given my setup - thus what size RO/DI to get so I don't have to wait for days to do a WC.
4) Lighting - it's a 4' tank.

Anything else I need to be thinking about? I've read/heard a bit on reactors and other equipment needed/desired for corals, but I need to read more. My only concern is setting my sump up to accommodate them if/when the time comes... or maybe better stated not setting it up so it won't accommodate them someday. :doh:

Any advice is appreciated :hail:. Again I'm really looking for advice on what would be appropriate for my setup, goals and tank size. I can certainly go research concepts and details on other threads so's not to waste people's time here :)
I would say to read the thread for the oceans by design filtration. and check it out when the store opens.

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What are the dimensions of your 30 gal sump?? This will help in the determining the equipment that you can place in it.
Your return pump can be external or internal. Which would you like, or have room for? Do you want high flow or low flow? IMO 900 gph to 1200 gph would be a good size pump.
Skimmer... IMO an airstone skimmer is the best way to go.
Lights... LEDs hands down the way to go.

Check out this site - Welcome!

It will help your sump layout
I would rethink adding a fuge to the sump you are using. 30 gallons is pretty small once you get the first set of dividers in place and then add a skimmer and return pump. I use a 29 gallon for my sump on my 80 gallon display so our systems are pretty similar. You will have very little if any volume to accommodate for evaporation. I would imagine you would have to top it off every day. What are your plans for a stand? Is there room to incorporate a larger tank for a sump/fuge system? What about using an HOB fuge or placing another tank under the stand to use as a fuge?
As far as the RODI system, I bought a 5 stage plus RO/DI system from Bulk Reef Supply and have been very happy with it. Spectrapure, Air Water and Ice brand, and The Filter Guys, I think are the leaders as well as the BRS brand. Any of these would be a good purchase. I bought the BRS because it gave me the best bang for my buck. That will get you going, it just gives you some options. These systems are all very well made but the important part is really the brand of the filter material. I think Spectrapure is probably the leader here. IMO
As far as the RODI system, I bought a 5 stage plus RO/DI system from Bulk Reef Supply and have been very happy with it. Spectrapure, Air Water and Ice brand, and The Filter Guys, I think are the leaders as well as the BRS brand. Any of these would be a good purchase. I bought the BRS because it gave me the best bang for my buck. That will get you going, it just gives you some options. These systems are all very well made but the important part is really the brand of the filter material. I think Spectrapure is probably the leader here. IMO

Earl, IMO this is one of the most important pieces of equipment you can buy for a successful reef tank. You are right buy a good one!
You should get one that will produce 75-100 gal per day. I always have a min of 40 gal of fresh ro-di and 40 gal of fresh saltwater on hand.
Unfortunately, I don't have the storage area that I can keep that much on hand and my water pressure isn't up to the pressure I need for 75 gpd but I still get about 55 a day. I emailed BRS and asked them if this would be okay and they said it would and it will just take a little longer. I figured it to be about 3 gallons in 1 hour and 20 min. I may have to get a booster pump later on when I can afford it. It was one of my best purchases, I really researched all of them before I bought one.
Also add in your list, a refratometer, and a good temp monitor. Also buy several at least two and one hydrometer (the glass that floats) they are old school but the temp is always spot on
For a skimmer i have been incredibly happy with my SWC 160 cone. I have it on my 90, probably about 105 total gallons of water in the system. That may be a little large for a 75, but i believe they also make a 120 cone.
+1 for the SWC 160. Also have it on a 90.
SWC does have a 150 BMK that would also work on a 75.
I would have to agree about the dsb. Id wait till you have a need for it and get a lil more time under your belt. A dsb is good in my opinion, my tank is a mixed reef and over a year old, but your tank will be new as well as you and it dont take much to stir up a dsb and really mess up your system. Nice thing is that your planning a refugium, that way when you do decide to run with a dsb, all you have to do is add the sand. As for skimmer choice, as big as you can go is the rule of thumb. Ive heard of people saying that you can overskim your system. Imo, thats false. If its happening, feed a lil more so you can see your skimmer working. Feel free to correct me if im wrong. Refractometer and quality test kits are a must also. As for rodi, dont know much about them. I get my rodi from my lfs for free! Cant beat that price! When you do choose your rodi unit, id hook it up with an ato if possible.