New to RF

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New member
Jan 19, 2012
phoenix az
Hello all my name is Robert I am new to RF and looking for info no all things coral.I have a 55 gallon tank that I have started as a reef tank. I enjoy the hobby and just wantAs much info as I can get to make my tank the best I can

Welcome to RF :welcome:

You will find people very friendly and knowledgeable..oh, and we like pics :)

Can u tell us alittle more about your tank?

how long has it be up and running?
what type of equipment are you using?
what are your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, alk, temp, pH, salinity) ?

if you are new to the hobby, I highly recommend you getting and reading the following book by Robert Fenner:

The link I posted is version 2, I have version 1 and even though I have almost 15yrs in the hobby, I found myself using it last night for research to some new fish I want to add to my 36g bow tank that I just set up in my office.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, as you will always find someone to chime in with an answer.

again, welcome.

Yes, another BIG :welcome: to Reef Frontiers and think you will like it here. A whole lot of great people willing to share thier knowledge/experience.

Cheers, Todd
Well as of now I have a 55 gallon tank with a 20 gallon long sump 29 gallon refuge I am running 2 ecotech MP 10s asm g3 mag12 return pump 40 Watt current Gama UV marinland led for refuge light current lights with 2 150 Watt hqi and 2130 Watt attinic lights on the display tank with 80 lbs of live rock and a deep sand bed.... looking to upgrade to ecotech radion in the next month and add the apex Neptune controller