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New member
Mar 14, 2011
So my name is Dan, i am originally from San Diego, I moved to Idaho to go to college and was about 2/3 of the way done. My wife was pregnant, when she was 29 weeks along, while visiting her parents in the Everett area, she went into labor 11 weeks early, 4 days ago. Right now we pretty much live at the hospital/her parents home. We are going to move here due to the fact we wouldn't be able to leave for about 4 months anyways, and we hate Idaho. In Idaho i had a 60G that was downsized to a 28G nano cube when we found out we were pregnant. Lucky we had a good club with good members down there so i was able to have a buddy take all my corals and fish and he will ship them up here when we get settled. I just wanted to drop in and say Hello!
Welcome to RF Dan!! :welcome: Congrats on the new addition and hope all will be well with the baby seeing they came along a bit early. Hope you enjoy the site!! :)

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Wow, yeah congrats on the new addition to the family. Hope He/She does well and comes home soon.
There are a lot of great people on this site and a few of them are in or close to the everett area. Everyone seems to be very willing to help with what ever they can so dont be affraid to ask. Welcome to western washington and RF.
Welcome Dan and Family:peace::baby: Ya I lived in Pocatello for awhile and glad i left. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here at RF.

Hi Dan, I hope everything is going well with wife and baby! I assume you were involved in IMAS, Great Club! You'll find some great clubs, here on Reef Frontiers, and in your area, the PSAS ROCKS! Welcome to Reef Frontiers! I hope life settles down for you soon, and you're able to get your tank back up and running!