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May 5, 2012
Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum and new to having a saltwater reef tank. I set everything up about 6 weeks ago now & have had my ups and downs.

My tank is an Innovative Marine Nuvo Mini 38 with AquaticLife T5 HO with lunar LED lights. I've swapped out the sponges in the media baskets with some Chemi-pure, Purigen and some Chaeto and I've also added a Reef Octopus HOB skimmer.

I never realized just how beautiful corals were and have found a whole new appreciation for them. I've added quite a few different ones to my tank so far and they are all doing great. Definitely the highs of having a tank so far.

For fish I have a pair of Clownfish, a Tail Spot Blenny and 3 Chromis that I'll actually be moving on to a new home soon since I'm limited on the number of fish I can have and want to add more variety. I had an Orange Firefish, a Purple Firefish and a Yellow Watchman Goby that I bought to pair up with a Pistol Shrimp, but I'm pretty sure the Pistol went on a rampage and killed the Firefish and the Goby. I know it doesn't happen very often, but what happened in my tank (all of the fish that like to hang out low died) has been the exact same scenario for others I've found on different forums that also added a Pistol Shrimp to their tank. I think they're cool and wish mine had worked out, but now it has to go. I tore the tank down this afternoon and couldn't find it, but I'm hoping that leaving my rock out of water for a little while did him in. I would've much preferred to catch and re-home him, but I honestly just hope he's gone at this point. I haven't heard any shots fired after getting everything put back together. We'll see. I also have a Lubbock's Wrasse that has popeye. I'm treating the tank but don't know if it'll be enough. Needless to say, the fish have so far been the low. I'm not giving up though.

Here are a few pics from the tank.

Thank goodness for friends that can aquascape. This looks much better than the rock wall I had built.

My Clownfish - Bert & Ernie


Corals & More











You set the tank up 6 weeks ago?
I'm thinking you jumped the gun, with adding all those corals and fish.
Did you buy any test kits with the new tank?
I'm wondering what the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are.
Welcome to RF! :welcome:. Nice pics and nice looking tank!

As for it only being up 6 weeks now and stocked with corals and fish, let us know a bit more about the specifics of the tank like where the rock came from? Was it fully cured? Did you experience a cycle ( ie checking through testing) etc. 6 weeks is really early to put corals in a tank much less fish sometimes unless you are using rock from a matured system as a transfer over etc because tanks usually need some time to cycle as well as reach maturity before stiff like corals go in, but let us know. :)

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6 wks? Uve been in the "game" for six weeks and uve got coral like that! :eek: Tank looks great and ur coral look even better for ur limited knowledge and feel for the "game" lol. Keep it up and ull surpass me! On the shrimp thing, r u sure it wasnt a mantis shrimp u added? If it was a must b a lrg tiger shrimp. u doin w/c's?-d
I set the tank up with established live rock, live sand and a mix of new water and some from a friend's established tank. I had my LFS test my water a few times and then bought a kit. I lost one Chromis which I put in just a couple of days after setting up the tank and my nitrates went up to 5ppm but have been good since. Having said all that I do think I probably put too much in too soon, but the fish I added first (after the Chromis) are thriving as are all of my corals.

I'm already thinking about my next tank and I'll be more patient. :)
6 wks? Uve been in the "game" for six weeks and uve got coral like that! :eek: Tank looks great and ur coral look even better for ur limited knowledge and feel for the "game" lol. Keep it up and ull surpass me!

Thanks, I have to give a lot of credit to the folks at Blue Sierra. I've learned a lot from them. They did try to restrain me from jumping in on the fish so quickly.

On the shrimp thing, r u sure it wasnt a mantis shrimp u added? If it was a must b a lrg tiger shrimp. u doin w/c's?-d

Most of the strings I've read about people getting rogue Pistol Shrimp include someone asking if it was possibly a Mantis, which totally makes sense, but I know that what I added was a Candy Cane Pistol and that's when the bottom fish starting getting wiped out. It was literally a period of about 4 days after adding that Pistol that all of the bottom fish were dead while all of the fish that hang out higher in the tank are safe & sound. Speaking of Mantis Shrimp, Blue Sierra has a Peacock Mantis right now. It is so cool! I'm considering setting up a tank for one eventually because I love to watch it.

On a positive note for the day, my Lubbock's Wrasse is hanging in despite having popeye. I've been treating the water and target feeding. He's eating so I hope that's a good sign.
you said you had your rockwork out of the tank a while. this can disturb the biofilter. I would keep up on testing several times a day for a few days and daily for weeks. have a bunch of saltwater already mixed and ready for any water changes too.
you said you had your rockwork out of the tank a while. this can disturb the biofilter. I would keep up on testing several times a day for a few days and daily for weeks. have a bunch of saltwater already mixed and ready for any water changes too.

Good to know. I'll pick up some extra water today. I tested the water this morning and all was well but will check again now & again tonight before I head to bed.
given that you went so fast, I don't know where u are at knowledge wise. can i ask do you understand the nitrogen cycle and other basics like calcium, magnesium, and alkalinty? quaratining fish and coral dips? can you keep your tank temp below 82 dg max this summer ( preferably 78)? isnt that a sun coral in one of the pics and how do you plan to feed it?

honestly, you have so much coral so soon it almost seems you are messing with us and you actualy have previous experince. if not, I would say its time to do a bunch of reading and be seroiusly on top of testing for ammomnia, nitrite, nitrate, and alkalinty to start. some days from now you should at least also test for calcium and magnesium at least.

good luck and keep us informed of ANY and ALL readiings and be honest, and shy on the side of caution.
given that you went so fast, I don't know where u are at knowledge wise. can i ask do you understand the nitrogen cycle and other basics like calcium, magnesium, and alkalinty? quaratining fish and coral dips? can you keep your tank temp below 82 dg max this summer ( preferably 78)? isnt that a sun coral in one of the pics and how do you plan to feed it?

honestly, you have so much coral so soon it almost seems you are messing with us and you actualy have previous experince. if not, I would say its time to do a bunch of reading and be seroiusly on top of testing for ammomnia, nitrite, nitrate, and alkalinty to start. some days from now you should at least also test for calcium and magnesium at least.

good luck and keep us informed of ANY and ALL readiings and be honest, and shy on the side of caution.

Ha! I swear I've never had a saltwater tank before. And I will definitely be honest about readings, fails, etc. I can research all I want but people who've been there, done that are usually the best help.

I do understand the nitrogen cycle and fear spikes, particularly given the fact that I did go gung ho out of the gate. That's why nothing new will be going into the tank for a couple of weeks at least. The kit I have tests high range PH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I have been doing some research and know I need to start testing alkalinity and calcium. I'm actually going to pick up test kits for those today. Should I also be testing phosphates? One thing I forgot to mention previously, in addition to the live rock, sand, etc that I started the tank with I also used API Quick Start which is supposed to jump start the cycle process. I use SeaChem Prime after water changes, twice a week I add Aquavitro Fuel and I have Vibrance which I've added once so far - which reminds me, I need to get an iodine/iodide test kit too.

I haven't set up a quarantine tank, but am going to. I don't know about coral dips so any guidance on that would be great. I have central air so temperature control in the summer isn't a problem and I have a generator for those times in the winter that we lose power. I live in Snoqualmie so losing power for 3-4 days at a time isn't uncommon.

The sun coral I target feed frozen food that's been thawed in some tank water. I know (at least I think I know) that I don't have to do that for the fungias, but I like to because they are fun to watch. I feed frozen Mysis shrimp and Prime Reef, seaweed pellets and Phyto Feast.
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Welcome to RF and also to the saltwater/reef addiction. I think you'll find that a lot of people here have a great outlook and awesome advice. I'm relatively new to the hobby as well (about 7 months). I picked up a few sun corals recently and so far mysis shrimp every other day has been doing wonders. I keep mine low to the tank and under a rock overhang, but seems like yours don't have a problem with your lights at all. I'd say dipping corals is a great idea. I recently just started dipping and seems to be doing great. I use "Kent Marine Lugol's". Have no complaints about it so far. Actually looks like it has kickstarted a couple corals that were looking a little sorry. I'd say your tank looks great and check out classifieds every now and then for people selling frags for great deals. I know everyone has a preference, but you should definitely look into setting up a sump/refugium. Makes life a lot easier in my opinion. Again, welcome and hope to see more of your tank in the future!
you need to test for alkalinty because that tells you the abilty for the water to hold a stable ph. minimun 8dkh, I run 11-12.

feedvery sparingly. if you see any ammonia or nitrite STOP feeding for a few days and do immediate 20-30%. water change.

keep your nitrates below 5ppm ( ZERO is ideal and many of us actualy attain those low levels!)with water changes not miracle chemicals nitrate absobing junk IMO. water changes will help add back calcium etc, and most of the micro stuff like iodine so put your money into more salt mix instead of remedies. if you are doing too many water changes to keep your nitrates below 5ppm then you are feeing too much or overstocked with fish etc.

you say you are not going to add anything for a few weeks. my adivice and probably most reefers will tell you " you are done son" no more adding anything for some months! get a qt set up cus you are going to qt all new fish for minumin 6 weeks. ( and may have to remove and hospitize the current ones if anythng comes up) ( which reminds me to ask, you are treating a fish for popeye? is the treatment reef safe? I would guess you were guided in the right direction but most meds etc used to treat fish are not reef or invert safe and can kill your biofilter.

there is a sticky here that talks about the cycle. you want to read it and pay attention to the moron cycle. read every sticky here! this will keep you busy enough to keep you away from buying more additions and scare you enough to not risk your money incase the whole thing comes crashing down so to speak...which is not going to happen right?

you got a real nice set-up going there!!! now stop, and learn where you are going to NEED to put your dollars. and christmas type later,lol, can come the wants!
Ouch! I didn't think I'd have to wait that long. I'll definitely slow my roll and work on getting a quarantine tank set up. At least it'll give me something to do. :)
I rushed a tank one time. All my tests were good and I added several fish and then one day. 250.00 in fish shrimp and corals dead in a day. AT the 6 week mark. Just saying, now I have a small bio-load of fish in each tank. If you want more fish your gonna need a bigger tank. HAHA thats what I did:)
Ouch! I didn't think I'd have to wait that long. I'll definitely slow my roll and work on getting a quarantine tank set up. At least it'll give me something to do. :)

prob an exageration....but not that far off really.

I REALLY hope all goes well for you! sometimes you can beat the odds.
wanted to ask about the cheato. you say its in a media basket? don't know how thats set up but if its starts to deteriorate then remove it so it doesn't polute the water. are you using rodi water? if so then no need for seachem prime. I use prime, but not in my saltwater. alos prime, amequel etc really robs the o2 from the water is why the say to maintain good flow/airation. prime ( chemicals) should not even be considered an option for dealing with nutrient problems. proper husbandry and not overstocking/overfeeding is the right way to go.
The Nuvo Mini 38 comes with 2 media baskets on either side in the back of the tank. They each have 3 compartments. One one side I have the top 2 compartments full of chaeto. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. I have a light that attaches with a magnet to the back of the tank that I have right on the chaeto. Is there anything else I can do to keep it healthy?
And yes, I use RODI water. I work near Blue Sierra so I just pick up water from them.