I am new to the saltwater hobby. I Bought a 55 gal. established tank, been up and running for 5 yrs. We were able to move most of the water with the tank. It came will two clown fish and since I have added a four stripe damsel a blue velvet damsel and most recently a starry blenny. I have hopes of one day adding a mandarin dragonet. I know this is far in the future as I need to get a lot of copepods. I added a 8 oz. bottle of tigger pods yesterday. I was reading and I've found a lot of people say that the blenny and dragonet CAN NOT co-exist? Any thoughts on that? Also all of my fish tend to hang out in the same corner/side of the tank they dont fight or any thing just wonder something wrong with the other side? Am I getting near my max amount of creatures or how many should I have?