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Dec 7, 2012
Hi! My name is Brian. About 2 years ago, I purchased my first aquarium. It's a 46 gallon freshwater. This year, I've purchased two, 27 gallon aquariums. One is an African Chiclid aquarium, and the other is a marine. The 46 has tetras, catfish, frogs, pleco, etc.
The marine has (so far) 25lbs live rock, snails, blue leg crabs, 2 clowns, 2 cardinals, and 3 corals. The only other additions I would like for this tank would be a flame angel, and more corals.
I am here to learn more about everything. I have a facebook page (BH Aquatic Center), that show my progress. Please feel free to "like" the page, so you can see my progress. Once I figure out how to post pics here, I will.
Hey, welcome Brian. We are all here to help. Look forward to following along with you on your new venture into the addiction of reefkeeping.

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Welcome Brian.
This is a great place to get information and see what others have done.
One thing that is great here is when you decide to buy new stuff to add to your tank, you can bounce those ideas off us and we can let you know how well those critters will you in your tank. Sometimes those ideas might not be a great idea.
Same goes for equipment. We can help you weed out the junk stuff that is in the hobby.
welcome and 1 word of cation is about the flame angel yes beautiful but is hit and miss if it will eat the coral. so now u have to make a decision if u want a reef or a fish only tank. compatibility is major even between coral not all is compatible with each other because of chemical warfare and corals like different types of water. id keep a reef tank somewhat specific like an sps tank or lps and zoo or a softy tank. there are many exceptions tho.
Welcome to the site. Lots of help and info here. +1 on what was said about the angel and corals. I had a coral beauty that was "reef safe". It took a likeing to my montipora. Only the red. It left my purple and green montipora and everything else alone. I traded it and 6 months later, my wife wanted to try again. Got another one and it left everything alone. Also, make sure you keep up on your water quality. You got the basics from tour freshwater tanks, but when you start keeping corals and fish in a smallish tank as yours, water quality is VERY important. Good luck and just be sure to do one thing....HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!
I wasn't even worried about a flame angel and the corals. I have had flame angels in my softy tanks for a couple of decades and never had a problem.
I was thinking that a flame angel in a 27 gallon tank would not be a good match.
Thanks everyone! Like I said, I'm still new to this. I knew a marine setup would be expensive, which is one of the reasons I started small. The plan is to eventually convert the 46 gallon into a marine tank. I quickly found out that I am limited to what fish I can have in a 27. The plan was 2 clowns, 2 cardinals and a tang. But since I was told a tang would outgrow the tank, we decided on the Angel.
I didn't plan on having any corals, at first. I was just adding Purple-up for the rock. But then I decided I wanted some more color, so I bought 3 frags from the store, and now I'm hooked. So now I have to learn what corals I like, and if they're compatible w/ each other, and the fish
I've been keeping a 26g for almost 2yrs and it has been everything BUT inexpensive-lol.
I have to agree with NOT putting a Flame Angel in a 27g. Just to small for such an active fish.
Very cool. Af for the tang outgrowing your tank, very true! But they also need alot of room for swimming around, as well as rocks to graze on. Have you looked at a watchman gobie? Stay small. Yellow in color. And they like to purch.
Very cool. Af for the tang outgrowing your tank, very true! But they also need alot of room for swimming around, as well as rocks to graze on. Have you looked at a watchman gobie? Stay small. Yellow in color. And they like to purch.

where did a tang come in? lol