I am new to the hobby and looking for some advice. I have a setup that I know is not ideal for reef, but it was free. I have a 33gal hex tank which originally started as a FOWLR until I added some pulsing Xenia (which I LOVE). I bought at the same time a green star polyp which has yet to open, been 4 days now. I have him close to the light as possible, but no luck yet. So I am looking for another possible coral that might do well in a hex tank with 2 65,000k bulbs. Any ideas. Also I have a Percula Clown, 3 Stripe Humbug, Diadema Dottyback, and a Bicolor Blenny who all get along great and hang out together. They only have issues if someone gets too close to their hide out, except for the 2 damsels. The 3 Stripe likes the Clown to hang out in it's hidey hole.