Next Year's Meetings in Pittsburgh

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Steven Pro

Professional Aquarist
Sep 20, 2004
We have a very strong lineup for PMASI for the coming year. Be sure to mark your calendars and maybe plan a road trip if you are in the area.

December 3rd – Stan Dannemiller, DVM, MS "Do Fish Feel Pain?"

January 28th – Coral Propagation Workshop

February 25th – Eric Borneman “Spawning Corals and Rearing the Larvae”

March 18th – Roundtable Discussion

April 22nd – Adam Cesnales

May 20th – Scott Fellman “Nutrient and Algae Control”

June 24th – Do-It-Yourself Fish Food Workshop

July 22nd – Mitch Carl “Predators, Pests, and Diseases of Corals”

August 26th – Steven Pro “Moving Beyond Anecdote: Simple Controlled Experiments for Hobbyists”

September 30th – MACNA Review

October 21st – Adam Blundell “What Is Reef-Safe?”

December 2nd – Anthony Calfo “Coral Farming for Profit”

The locations for these meetings will be scheduled shortly and this thread as well as the website will be updated as information becomes available.

* All topic titles are tentative.
I just have some room updates for you. All of the following meetings will take place at the Radisson Inn in Monroeville,

December 3rd - Butler Room (on the 2nd floor to your left when exiting the elevator)

January 28th - Butler or Fayette Room (both on 2nd floor)

February 25th - Somerset Room (just past the hotel restaurant on the 1st floor)

March 18th - Butler or Fayette Room (both on 2nd floor)
The meeting with Eric Borneman is coming up. If anyone is in the area, you should definitely come!