No Power Equals Reef Deaths

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
Wow, I don't even know where to start. The last 3 days have been the worst of my reefkeeping days. We lost power on Friday morning around 12:30am. For all of Friday, I could not even get out of the house due to down trees blocking all ways out. I watched both my tanks sit stagnant, with the temp steadily dropping down. By late evening, the temp was down to 68 degrees. In a complete panic, I decided to try & save some lives by heating water on the stovetop (gas) and mixing into the tank. I stayed up the entire night and was able to slowly raise the temp to around 74 degrees (in about 0.2 degree increments).

Saturday morning we were able to get out and into town. We searched desperately for a generator, but of course everywhere was completely sold out. The best I could find was a 750watt power inverter. So, the remainder of the day and night, I had the inverter hooked up to my car, which could power 1 heater per tank and 2 pumps per tank, but no lights. The heaters could not raise the temp last 74 degrees as the ambiant temp in my house was around 55 degrees. I had to get up every 45-60 minutes to turn the car on and/or off, so the battery would get charged.

Sunday morning we went to Lowes and got the last generator they had in stock (shipment just arrived & sold out within 5 min). I have been running the generator since yesterday around 10AM, and it is still going. It puts out 5500 watts, but I'm only able to power my heaters, a few more pumps, and my lights. The lights were a big help, especially in my 90g, since the MH helped heat the water.

As of right now, my 45g tank is around 78 degrees and my 90g is around 76 degrees.

My 45g is mostly softies. In that tank I have lost my bicolor blenny and all my xenia. My coral beauty angel is MIA. I haven't seen it in 2 days, so I am assuming it has passed on and is stuck between rocks or something. My green finger leather looks like 50/50 shot whether it will survive or not. Amazingly, my yellow leather and my toadstool look more or less fine. Zoas, mushrooms, and LPS also seem ok. My 2 clowns, 2 bangaii cardinals and six line have pulled through so far. My sebae anemone looks very good as well.

My 90g unfortunately has not faired nearly as well. In that tank I have lost my mystery wrasse, all xenia, all my acros have completely RTN'd, and the remaining SPS are all in some stage of decay. My monti caps all have RTN spots, but appear that some may survive. My pocci and stylos look like they may pull through. LPS in this tank look ok, as do the zoas and my clam. My RBTA is still alive, but isn't looking so hot. I am hoping it pulls through. My 2 GSM clowns and 2 scooter blennies are still alive. I saw my yellow-eye purple tang yesterday but haven't seen him in around 18 hours. I'm hoping he's still alive. Haven't seen my potter's angel in over 48 hours, so I think it is likely dead & stuck somewhere in the rocks.

At this point, I am hoping our power gets restored today. 2 blocks away from me houses got power back yesterday, so I am hopeful. Then, I guess the rebuilding work can begin.... This entire event has been very sad and very frustrating... To just watch all the time & effort I've put in literally die in front my my eyes :(
wow that is rough. Hopefully some of those fish are just freaked out and will come out of hiding soon. water changes would help I am sure, as well as feeding with added vitamins etc. Anyone near you that can help you recover?

That must have been frustrating and hard to witness. We dealt with a similar situation. We finally got power back around 11pm sunday. If we can help let us know!
Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. We are still unfortunately without power as of this morning. But, we *think* we will get power back today.... Just as soon as possible, I am going to do some significant water changes in both tanks. However, I'm not thinking about that until we get power back...