noob refugium question

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Oct 8, 2010
bonney lake ,wa
in a cheato filled refugium, is water flow supposed to be slow or fast? Thinking of using a big old HOB aquaclear, with a lower flow pump, because I have it.
Anthony Calfo always said it was best used as a small ball tumbling in your fuge/sump which you would trim back as it grew (so it would pretty decent flow). Some people use different techniques though, but that method I mentioned was most preferred by Anthony Calfo :)
In the past, a slower flow was recommended. However, more recently, some research seems to indicate that a more moderate flow works better. As Krish mentioned, keeping the Chaeto "ball" tumbling, helps it to receive better light, which seems to help it absorb nitrates better. Nitrate reduction is the primary reason for using Macro Algae, in our refugiums. Another real reason is to have a place for micro-fauna, such as amphipods, copepods, mysid shrimp, etc. to be able to grow and reproduce, without the fear of predation. These "pods" then make their way into the display tank, through the return, and help feed our tank inhabitants.

The use of a Deep Sand Bed (DSB) in our refugiums, also helps to reduce nitrates. However, a DSB isn't really going to work, if using a HOB Aquaclear, as a fuge. The HOB Aquaclear, used as a HOB fuge, is really easy to do, and will work well for growing Chaeto. However, the Chaeto won't really be able to forum a "tumbling ball," since space is limited. It'll more than likely grow into a block, the shape and size of your Aquaclear I did this exact same thing, on my first reef tank, which was a 29.
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I have a 20 gallon satellite tank plumbed into my 120 display, 50 gallon sump system. The satellite started out as a way to keep LPS and sandbed needing anemones in my system without adding sand to my BB display...I've since redone it and turned it into a fuge with chaeto. I've noticed an increase in growth in the chaeto since moving it from the sump to the satellite, where it has low flow.....

Take it for its worth....

Stuff grows like crazy. I have a 24W 6500k plant CF in a utility reflector, and moderate flow, and all my macro grows like crazy.

I'd just set up what you have, and adjust later if you need to. If I had to take a guess, I'd say I'm 3X-5X tank volume per hour, but never actually measured it.