Nori - Who eats it??

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May 7, 2006
Sask, Canada
I read that nori is good for the fish. I bought some from the grocery store. Now how do I give to them? And would any of these fish enjoy it?
Scissortail goby
Yellow Coris goby
Watchman goby
Strawberry Dottyback
Clown Gobys
Cleaner Wrasse
Scooter Blenny
Welcome to RF Snydar if I haven't welcomed you already:)

I know tangs love it as well as some angels. I use to feed mine using the feeding clip with the suction cup. They'd just come up and pick on it and won't they didn't eat, I could easily remove.:)
welcome to RF dood !!!

hmm for a moment i thought you were asking to see who eats it :D :p.

tangs, damsels, my clown fish used to eat it too for some reason (Ocellaris), I'm not sure about the gobys because i thought clown gobys eat copepods.
You jest about "who" eats it, but I was at The Maui Ocean Center over spring break and noticed a lady handing it to here kids to eat as a snack. At first I thought she brought it along to feed the fish in the Tidepool exhibits, but she handed it to her kids and they proceeded to eat the stuff, crunchy and dry, did not look very good at all. I almost went and bought them Candy bars.:D
You can place the nori in an algae clip or attach it to a rock using a rubberband. I don't know if any of your fish will eat it, but it's worth a shot. My yellow tang loves it, but the coral beauty won't touch it.
curro18 said:
You can place the nori in an algae clip or attach it to a rock using a rubberband. I don't know if any of your fish will eat it, but it's worth a shot. My yellow tang loves it, but the coral beauty won't touch it.

Like Curro said, but, Chromis will nip at it. Well atleast mine do. With the fish you have unless there is a fish that eats it aggresively they may not eat it at all. It may get soft while in the tank. But it is still hard for your small fish to get down.

I would probably not put it in my tank if I had the fish you had. You would just be adding to your bioload more than anything. Just my opinion.
my blue tang eats it. i feed him a variety of,purple green, and brown..he seems to really attack the red for some reason. i guess it's his favorite.