not new just lost all my info tying to get back up to five posts

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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New member
Oct 3, 2011
bellingham washington
anyways since my last time on here ive upgraded from a 55 gallon tank to 150 and all was going really well till i got aptasia on one rock i got for free didn't do any homework first tried to pull them out with forceps, yes i know now this was stupid then i bought 50 Dollars worth of peppermint shrimp and my puffer fish ate forty dollars of them as a a cocktail overnight. what i need is some Berghia to kill them but when there done I'm not sure what to do with them cause they will die without any more aptasia to eat what should i do anyone else out there got an abundance of these creatures running out of food they want to get rid of