flatworm is correct. The white ones are fine, red ones can be bad.
I guess you have two options.
1)leave them, and syphon if they get dense, hopefully it is a cycle and they will die back
2) treat them
I also had them in my fuge when I started. Since they were ONLY in the fuge, I decided to treat. You have to treat more than once, as FWE won't kill eggs. In total, it took me 3 treatements to erradicate them. But, since they were in the fuge, it made it relatively easy.
First treatment:
Shut off the flow to my fuge to begin with, to isolate it from the tank
2X recommended dose of FWE (Flat Worm Exit) into my fuge. Waited an hour or two, then removed a good portion of the water from the fuge and refilled.
Second treatment:
about a week later, repeated step one.
Third treatment:
maybe waited another week or 2, then did a 3X dose of FWE. Removed water from fuge and refilled.
Never seen another red planaria.
Really pretty easy, depending on the size of your fuge. For the 2X treatment, there were no casualties except flatworms
For the 3X, there was some copepod death, but I think it was necessary to fully remove them.
You may be able to get by without removing all the water, as it should be relatively safe for the tank (as it will be diluted when it mixes with the rest of the tank/sump water.) But, my fuge is just 20 gallons, less when you take into account rocks, etc., so I just decided to treat hard and then totally remove the water.
Hope that helps.