OceanRevive LED

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2011
I am about to switch from t5 to LED. I have decided i am going the evergrow route like many first time LED users do. I was going to go with the D120 but after looking around i stumbled on the oceanrevive version as well as their arctic s026 version. It seems the S026 version is there "go to" model. Does anyone have any experience with this light or even this company? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know most people recommend reefbreeders but i need the lights as soon as i can and they have a long wait time.
I can tell you that I got my photon 48 6 days after I placed my order and that was with weather delays from fedex. Shipment arrived 12/16/13 3 days ago. Have you actually talked with Logan at Reef Breeders? I had a good experience dealing with him so I feel comfortable recommending his lights.
I would suggest that you contact both Barrier Reef and Oceans By Design.
They both have leds and probably in stock now.
I contacted ReefBreeders last week and they told me it would be 4-6 weeks on the photon48 maybe i should try and reach them again. I am planning on stopping at BR and OCD this weekend before I commit but it seems like there versions are $50-$100 more. Although then i have the comfort of being able to go in to the store if i have issues and i can support local stores that way... Hmmmm... Honestly aren't all these units the same with just another companies sticker on them?
We have OBD's units over both of our tanks and are very happy with them. I enjoy the fact that I can make a 20 minute drive and have them look at my lights if I have an issue with them. Having that hands on service out weighs the 50-100 I would save on line. BRA carries Evergrows which are the same as reefbreeders and they carry a in house warranty on their lights as well.
When I called BRA they did not have a 48" version of the evergrow, that was why I went with the reefbreeders. If that's not a deal breaker for you I'd keep it local.
How do you like the 48? What size tank you have it on? I only have a 75 gallon but I still wanted the 48 since the price isn't much more. I wish one of the stores carried the 48" so I could just pick it up. Overall do you think it's a good light? any issues?
I ended up getting the Ocean Revive S026 model and couldn't be happier. The ability to control is great. The color is amazing. The temp of tank went down 1 degree from using the t5 setup. Overall for the price I am very happy.
I would suggest that you contact both Barrier Reef and Oceans By Design.
They both have leds and probably in stock now.