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Oceans by Design Quarantine Process

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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At Oceans by Design we are very adamant about selling the healthiest fish possible. All fish that enter our facility go into quarantine. Our process lasts from 2 weeks to months. We are very proud to share with you how we treat our fish and the process in which we administer medication.

1. Acclimate fish to water temperature. We float all fish and invertebrates for 30 min. to acclimate to our water temp.
2. Acclimate fish to pH. We drip acclimate all fish and invertebrates for 2 hours to allow for the acclimation to the pH that we are running in the store.
3. All fish enter into quarantine and are treated with Cupramine, we chose cupramine because it is more tolerated by some of the more copper sensitive fish(butterflies, angels, dragonets, and jawfish to name a few) and a dewormer (praziPro).
4. All fish are monitored and if they appear to be stressed the fish is removed and isolated.
5. Fish are fed a minimum of three times a day, small amounts. Once a day the food is soaked in Metronidazole (antibiotic)
6. For two weeks all fish are treated with a formalin bath, every other day, this is to control external parasitic infections of fish. Formalin is effective in killing parasites on gills, fins, and skin.
7. For two weeks all fish are treated with Neomycin bath, every other alternating day to the formalin treatment, this is to control bacterial infections.

Throughout this initial process all fish are closely monitored. All the fish water in the store is running at the same pH, salinity, and temp. The quarantine system is its own system. Our display aquariums are on two separate systems, with each aquarium plumbed so we can isolate one tank and bring it offline.

At Oceans by Design we run our salinity at 1.024 - 1.026 and our pH is 8.1 – 8.3 and our temp is 78.2. We monitor our systems daily; this is to minimize any swings. Our water parameters are tested daily. We use RODI water that we make in the store. The fish systems are running ozone, and uv, bio-pellet reactors and carbon.

Our coral systems are on a separate system and the water is tested to ensure that we have appropriate water parameters to support coral.

With all of this, you will not be seeing from us a weekly list of arrivals. We will not sell any fish that has not been fully quarantined and medicated. We will be more than happy to order fish for anyone that wants something special, however even those fish will be quarantined. We will keep everyone advised as to when fish exit our quarantine and are ready to be re homed. We will make announcements here, on Facebook, and Twitter.
Way to go!!!!!
Now the big question is if you can stay competitive, profitable while maintaining this ethical practice.
Three cheers for OBD!!!
Many suppliers, most are direct from source


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Now the big question is if you can stay competitive, profitable while maintaining this ethical practice.
Three cheers for OBD!!!

Doing a proper QT is mostly a sweet equity type of thing Mike, its a lot of work having to doing the dips, that and having a product sitting in a qt and not being for sale is a little rough to, lol. But in saying that we feel we are giving our customers a great value added product.

Most all stores practice the "If it eats, it Sells" philosophy then the customer brings the fish back to their dream tanks and next thing you know all their fish are paying the price. We worked hard with Boomer and Others in the Public Aquarium industry to come up with a QT system that was not insane, but insured that folks that buy from us would get a fish that has been treated well well beyond any other location. We dont plan on charging extra for this service and plan on being very competitive, just offering a superior product.

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so will you not have a waranty program on livestock since u know the specimin was healthy when left the store. just saying. ther shouldant be any reason other than the customers fault if a critter dies. will be nice to have a place u can go and buy healthy livestock and not worry about ich and such. you will single handedly be the demise to my quarantine tank and i love it.
does anyone else in the ...WORLD go to this extent? nice! You should have a nice loyal customer base!

Oh yea their are others for sure, Live aquaria is one, keven does a great job with his live goods.

will you be selling...and using the same process for moorish idols?

No I dont think we will play to much in the area of fish that dont stand a chance. Although I do know folks that have kepted these fish and others like it for long long periods of time. I think for these type of fish we will do a custom order for them, not something we would have in stock.

Also on the QT lots of fish like and dislike lots of different drugs so you have to becareful with that to.
Oh and one more General thing on the QT system. Beyond what Becca wrote above all over our fish tank systems have skimmers pushing over 250 liters of air per minute, with hundreds of watts of UV sterilizers and a big bad 5 gram ozone generator on board. Wouldnt want to be a parasite in our systems, lol

When Mike said he was going to do a store, I figured he'd go all out, this is proves the point. :rockon:
The locals are lucky to get this sort of service, I can't get that anywhere near here, this is rare and serves a purpose on a larger scale. Think about it, what do you get for the price, If you really care about conservation of our natural reefs and success of yours, is it worth giving it your all to provide the best possible. This goes both ways, from the store to the user, we have to be responsible to succeed and also preserve what we have for the next generation!:yo:
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We ship Scottie!!!! lol

can you speak a little about your process that corals go through for acclimation?
something tells me you dont just drop em in..

No we dont just dump them in, lol. We have a few commercially available dips for right now, but we have a dip we are working with that is showing some real nice results that ultimately we want to use. So far its done real well with nudi's and their eggs, red bugs and a few others, but not realy at a point where I want to talk about it, but we are real close (with in days). At least I hope so as we have shipments coming in from INDO, Australia, Bali and others coming in through out this up coming week.

I am guessing the coral dip you are working on is one I have had the chance to test out in its beginings...if so I can attest to its chasing everything off the many corals I have dipped, and how quickly my hammer and frogspawn reopened. also no ill- effects on mushrooms and some sps I dipped.
This is awesome. people are lucky in your area to not have to qt their own fish and coral. I wish I was still living up there so I could come by. It is hard to find quality coral out there and my local stores drive up to the wholesalers weekly and cherry pick. I've heard all the excusses over the years for stores not to dip, recently, "wrasses are great at eating the pests on the coral" and "our coral is from wild colonies so we don't have to worry about red bugs"

FYI for SPS I have been having good luck with the bayer insect killer for a dip. thread on rc about it. Really kills red bugs and flatworms for me.
I thought they were crazy doing this at first but i just did a dip with an oregon tort recently and it showed no stress after.

removed link. I will PM you. unless these guys don't mind it posted in their forum.
This is awesome. people are lucky in your area to not have to qt their own fish and coral. I wish I was still living up there so I could come by. It is hard to find quality coral out there and my local stores drive up to the wholesalers weekly and cherry pick. I've heard all the excusses over the years for stores not to dip, recently, "wrasses are great at eating the pests on the coral" and "our coral is from wild colonies so we don't have to worry about red bugs"

FYI for SPS I have been having good luck with the bayer insect killer for a dip. thread on rc about it. Really kills red bugs and flatworms for me.

What we are using is Reef Pest Solutions All Out. It eradicates red bugs, flat worms, nudibranches, spiders, pods, bristle worms, invertibrets and eggs. It also attacks nuisance algea. We carry it in our store, will add it to the website soon. Here is a link to the company's page: www.reefpestsolutions.com berghia

What is great about this product is that it contains aloe vera which helps protect the coral as it is being dipped.