Okay, I just have to ask this...

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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2005
The Left Coast
In pondering the many ways this new hobby could potentially change my life, I would like to know...Do any of you still go fishing?!! :shock: And all of you give so much care to your marine inhabitants....so, are you still able to EAT seafood!!??! :eek:

Just have to know what I’m getting into.

Yes Yes Yes,
I am still an avid fisherman, mostly of inland water way bass and such. I also enjoy deep sea fishing, though only here in the northwest so far. One of these times when I host our local club meeting I may have a fish fry. :lol:
LOL...No don't really go fishing to much,most people who do go fishing usually are not trying to hook a Tang or Angel though. As for the food part, hell yea sea food is great. I haven't really been eating it too much though, partly because my girlfriends a vegetarian but hey..what can you do.
I still fish, maybe do a little more catch and release these days, but fish I must. Seafood is still on the top of my list to eat.

Lets see where is my fly pole.....................

I rarely go fishing, but if so it's usually catch and release... I more enjoy checking out whats in there(diving)...As for seafood I stay away from it, after having my tank for a month I realized I would never eat anything that could live in there, as in watching your shrimp eat :eek:
Okay, so things won't change tooooooo much. The thought occurred to me when I looked into my dining room, realized that I could pull the entire wall of built-ins out and make an aquarium wall to wall...but then I thought gee, could I really serve seafood in there, in full view of the "pets"? Guess I'll stick with hoping I can figure out a good aquascape for the 90 bowfront.

Not only do I still love to fish....but I work for one of the largest seafood processing corporations in the world in beautiful Dutch Harbor, Alaska...I have been into the saltwater thing for a little over 3 months and have found it to be totally exilleratin' especially since I have found the people that make up reef fronteirs. They are awesome and are the most valuable resource I could have ever hoped for. This hobby will change your life though as it is soooooo addictive..... and more than a little spendy...sigh.


PS-I take great care not to tell my fish and stuff that I work for a seafood company....ssshhhhhhh...smile.
Don't do much fishing anymore, but I keep the lawn looking pretty decent :D :D And yes, I still eat seafood every time that I can, I need my brain food to replace all the brain cells I lost in the 70s :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: