Ooo No Ick

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Dec 5, 2005
Beebe, Ar
I have had this 105 gl tank for about 3 months and i have just started to put soft coral and fish in there. (My First tank) Now I have Ick on a few of my fish. I have tryed the fresh water dip and it did not work. I also tryed the Peppermint Shrimp but they just hide in the rocks. I don't want to start putting a bunch of stuff in my tank that might kill my fish/coral. What can I do to help this problem?
not sure if this would work try a blood red shrimp. Mine are all over everything. One day I saw one riding on the side of my flame angel.
Thanks for the reply. I went to a local pet shop and he said that putting garlic guard on your fish food is a good way to prevent ick. The other way is a cleaner shrimp/ghost shrimp. The shrimp is working very good. This shrimp which my kids named Bob the Builder, is working very well. The Yellow Tang swam right up to Bob as soon as I dropped him in there. This shrimp loves doing his job. He will even jump on my hand and clean under my fingernails. He is a social critter. Thanks for the replys and advice.