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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
I wonder how many Chemistry threads start out with the title of "Ooooops." I'd imagine not as many as Well, I did something stupid and am hoping for some advice. About every 2 days, I mix up 2 or 3 gallons of Kalk Water. Let's see, today's Friday so it must have been Tuesday. Yes, on Tuesday, I grabbed one of my gallon jugs, poured it into my drip jug and set it up dripping into my sump over night. This morning, I had to move a couple empty mixing jugs for some reason. Low and Behold, there's the empty gallon jug that I used Tuesday night....labeled....Mg Supplement!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: Yep, I dosed almost an entire gallon of Mg Supplement (Randy Holmes recipe using just Epsom Salt) Well, I rushed to my tank and everything appears to be just fine. In fact, everything actually looks really Anyway, I realized this right before having to leave for work so couldn't do anything about it. I'm home now and just tested my Mg. I'm not sure how to read the results. I am using a Salifert test kit. Using the 1 ml syringe, I drew the Mg-3 reagent in as instructed. I then emptied the entire contents and still needed to add more. I drew the reagent in to the syringe again, fill the syringe the same amount I did the first time. From this I added until I got my color change. Holding the syringe tip up, I'm reading the plunger at .78. So, the first full syringe puts me at 1500 ppm. .78 would put me at 330 ppm. Does that mean that I'm at 1830 ppm? Normally, I try to keep my Mg at about 1330-1350. Obviously, I'm just a tad bit high!!! Any suggestions on what I should do? Any advice would be great!!!
"Any advice would be great!!!"

Whats SG at?? All that epsom salt is bound to have a sg effect.

I think the main concern would be perciptating out too much alk/calc and causing a dangerous ph drop. Have you tested that yet?
wwouu dood sorry to hear :eek: .
i'd do a water change and test and test :oops: .
i hope someone can give you better advice dood
"Any advice would be great!!!"

Whats SG at?? All that epsom salt is bound to have a sg effect.

I think the main concern would be perciptating out too much alk/calc and causing a dangerous ph drop. Have you tested that yet?

The concern would be all the sulfates dumped into the tank. The precip would be Mg precip but not a big deal, it will redesolve.

Just do a water change or two, youll be fine. We used to see this all the time when the oceanic salt first came uoy 1500+. Sure trashes the hardware.

Nope, SG is sitting steady at 1.025. Ca is at 420, pH is 8.0 and my Alk is a little low at 7.2 dKH. My Alk has a habit of dropping to 7.0 dKH though, if I don't dose it regularly.

From what I understand, Mg being too high will not cause a precipitation of Ca or Alk. I could be wrong but I think Mg prevents Ca and Alk from precipitating.
Don, you musta been typing as I was typing my Thanks for your input. I was actually waiting for you to chime in before doing anything. I'm going to dose Alk supplement to get it back up to 10. dKH and then I'll do a couple large water changes over the next few days.
Don, you musta been typing as I was typing my Thanks for your input. I was actually waiting for you to chime in before doing anything. I'm going to dose Alk supplement to get it back up to 10. dKH and then I'll do a couple large water changes over the next few days.

Skip the dosing and just do the water changes. The WC are going to bring the alk up and the mg down. Do it before it starts preciping on your hardware.

I agree with Don. Raisng the Alk will/may produce a Magnesium hydroxide precip but will, as Don said, go back into solution. You will see it when you add the buffer, a dense cloud will form and float around for a few seconds.

Under the right conditons, although rare, the hardware issue , would be MgCO3, Magnesium carbonate, the sitster to CaCO3, Calcium carbonate. MgCO3 is also more soluble than CaCO3, so is as I said, rarely an issue.