Opinions on Local Fish Stores

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BAM! BAM! Goes the blenny
Jan 26, 2005
Centralia WA
I am curious on peoples thoughts and opinions on the local fish stores that sell marine..their experiences...thoughts on if you had a bad experience..what would help to make better..etc.

I am in Centralia..so there are just 3 around me..
Pioneer West
Extreme Marine
Petco( I do NOT recommend petco..but they do carry marine so thought I would post it)

Those are near me. But if you are somewheres else..do post about it..I am anxious to learn!
Misty :)
In my area in New Jersey I think they stink! I place orders online! There is one place in Clifton, NJ that I went to once that had a nice selection of fish and the tanks looked clean and healthy. But will not ever go back there due to the fact they seem like homophobes! As one guy was spouting off about gays and other things. I will not support a store like that who hires people like that!

Which of course seems to be the only decent store within 50 miles of me. The rest of the store near me I was not pleased with at all.
Well, I don't know much about fish stores in the US. All of our fish we have, we normally catch ourselves. However, if we wanted anything that we cannot get here, our LFS (here in te Bahamas) orders from a place called "Z Fish". Now I don't know if they sell to just anyone, but I do know that they deliver and the fish, usually 95% of the time, get here in really good condition. I can find out exactly where they are located and if they sell locally for you today as I am supposed to go snorkling with one of the owners son's. Nonetheless, I'm sure that a lot of the other member here know of probably a lot of much better places and can help you out a lot better.
Well, so far in my experience, the ones around' Toronto Ontario, have been awful. Especially the chain stores. I din't even buy freshwater fish from them. A friend of mine found one he likes 2 hours from our location. I am going to go check it out. But generally the ones I have seen and been to have been very bad experiences for me. Sick and diseased fish. Plants with diseases and so forth.
Two shops I work with are Indoor Reef in Tacoma and Shark Reef in Silverdale. Honestly, we have been nothing but happy with the guys at Indoor Reef.
There are a few stores in my area. I live in a small town call Oostburg. Its about 40 miles to Milwaukee (where I work) and about 10 miles to Sheboygan.

Pet Supply Outlet (sheboygan) is where I first got in to saltwater. They have execellent prices on fiji live rock the stuff is ususally covered in coraline alge. Like $4 dollars a pound cured!! Also awsome prices on fish. Employees know nothing though. Was a good customer of theirs untill their flatworm infestation. I no longer do bussiness with them b/c they sentence their corals to death. Flatworms smother them. They refuse to do anything about the flatworms.

Two others in sheboygan not worth mentioning

Hoffers Tropical Life Pets (milwaukee)
Nice store. Overpriced but they have a good selection of fish and coral. Very understaffed and some employees are rude. Not the ones that matter though. They currently have all the bussines I give to LFS's. Nice displays!

Aquatics Unlimited (milwaukee)
Probably one of the best stores in the Milwaukee area. To far to drive to for me on a regular basis. Very nice clean store. Lots of friendly helpfull staff.

Aqua Exhibits (milwaukee)
Not a bad store not a good store. Prices are the best in Milwaukee area. I don't like how the fish are kept. Bare tanks! No rocks nothing no place to hide. Lots of stress on the fish thus lots are sick. Cool green moray/nurse shark display

Others in milwaukee but not worth mentioning
I've never been to the Centralia stores, so I can't really comment on them. Indoor Reef and Aquarium Paradise, both in Tacoma, are really nice stores. Indoor Reef is extremely small, but they make up for it in quality. Aquarium Paradise is a big store that gets a lot of livestock in on a regular basis. Both of them are certainly worth checking out if you're in the area. Here are a few other stores up north that are worth the drive...

Issaquah: Blue Sierra
Silverdale: The Shark Reef
Bellevue: Saltwater City

The LFS in my area is Pet Land and another one that I can't remember off the top of my head. They are pretty limited and only realy supply for fresh water fish. Salt water fish are available but not realy. I mostly catch my own and buy what I can't find. Corals I can get pretty easily since I'm surrounded by it (and they don't move) :p

Getting equipment pretty much sucks here so I have to go on line. I've bought from premiumaquatics.com they were good, just a little expencive on the shipping.
Well here in the big city of Bowling Green KY. LOL
We have Fishy Business. Great fish store, Owner Mitch Gibbs, inveted the Aquatic Revolution. Most of the employees are fairly knowledgeable and some are very very knowledgeable. Two rows of salt fish, One row of inverts, Two huge surge tanks of corals and anemone, Lots of displays, and various tanks that are sold out of. Also has a captive breeding program for Percula, Occ, tomato, and cinnimon clowns. Occasionally has had a few surviors of the black clowns. Overall a good place to shop.
Only problem is the best corals and fish are claimed by the owner and NFS. LOL I understand and would probley do the same thing. LOL
Other fish stores are petco, and one I forget the name of because it is a hell hole for fish and corals. Ick, N.O. flor bulbs over anemone, and coral. 9.99 a lb figi rock, crappy everything and high prices.
Petco here sucks. I cant talk about anywhere but here. I know that they are only exceded in thier suckiness by walmart.
I want to jump in here. I feel like its the Hobbyist that needs to be educated before buying a fish. You make your own choices. If you make a bad one, do not blame the Fish store. I have learned or still learning that the hobbyist and fish stores work hand in hand. No one pointed a gun to you and said buy that fish. Please ask to see if fish is eating properly, please inspect fish for healthy eyes, gill plates, body for ulcers, how long shop has had the fish.
I have to eat crow here. I have blamed Pet shops for things I felt were unproper environments. The fact is that we all support each other. Educate your self and learn you made the mistake and do not blame the person that owns the pet shop.
We all work together to support a hobby, please do not bite the hand that feeds you.
I'm lucky that I have a LFS that I consider GREAT!!! FISH and other ICHTHY STUFF AKA "The fish Nazi"
I agree with everything in Ed Hahn post. IMO what defines a good from a bad LFS, other than a clean healthy enviroment is when that uneducated reefer walks in the door and want to fill his 2 day old 55 gal tank with 3 anemones and 20 clown fish, or something to that degree, the LFS employee says NO and directs them to a good book to read. I've seen John do this many times. The look on the customers face is priceless when they're told NO I'm not selling you that Vlamingii tang for your 30 gal cube here read a book come back in a week and I'll test you on it. :lol: :lol:
I have to eat crow because I learned what Post Tramatic Stress Sydrome was. You buy a healthy fish, and the fish occurs such stress before being introduced into tank or reacts to new environment. The fish dies about 3 days later. I just wish I could remember half the things Terry B showed me this year. The Ph swings due to fish stressing inside a bag, then swings dramaticly when bag is opened. I have to eat crow because I believed I saw healthy fish, which I did. Then I stressed fish during travel and not acclimating fish properly. Shame on me, in return I killed the fish. It was not the Fish store. Anything you hear from Store owner or Employee is a oppinion. Its up to you to decide which is correct for you. I hope in the future we can all share mistakes. My concern is hurting what is available to us, ruining a good thing. Each LFS we have means competition for prices, products. If Store owners compete its our advantage. We all win.
I have a soft spot for Kaija's cause they started me on the marine track and they are cool people, and they give cred for plants, mushrooms or kenya tree frags... They don't have much space for marine though. Matt K knows everything there is to know about freshwater from what I have seen. Needs more sales to justify stock for the marine section, this might never really occur. They get a lot of people set up with clownfish FO tanks though. Often find peoples' fliers posted there offering cheap used tanks, a bonus.
Noticed you forgot Pioneer and Aquarium Warehouse. Used to work at Ex Marine... no comment :)

You are really in a spot. I think your best option is head to Portland and check out Waves, Upscales, and if you have the dual addiction of freshwater hit World of Wet Pets to see the biggest fish store ever (saltwater section is really limited but inverts priced to sell), then there is a great store in Salem and Woody's, plus Soutas for sps... Portland is fun. Not as hard to get around in as Seattle either. I am biased-used to live there so understand the town. Hate driving in Seattle.

well i just wanted to say that i think the stores around WA, Seattle area.
let's see Blue Sierra.. they always ignore me for some reason and on top of that they are not that nice, but i still go because the husband likes it there even though it's my tank :doubt: .
Saltwater City, they are ok i just wished their prices where a little bit lower for some stuff, seriously almost $30 bucks for 1 tiny little cleaner shrimp:eek: :p .. come on, but they do have way nicer corals at least for me.
so far for me, i rather pay or trade here than go to any store besides i get to meet people and it's always nice to meet a reef addict like me :)
Porkfat said:
The LFS in my area is Pet Land and another one that I can't remember off the top of my head. They are pretty limited and only realy supply for fresh water fish. Salt water fish are available but not realy. I mostly catch my own and buy what I can't find. Corals I can get pretty easily since I'm surrounded by it (and they don't move) :p

Getting equipment pretty much sucks here so I have to go on line. I've bought from premiumaquatics.com they were good, just a little expencive on the shipping.

When I lived on Oahu about 6yrs ago there was a saltwater store in Aiea I believe. I think it was next to a 4x4 truck store or something.

yea in tacoma , indoor reef is by far the best saltwaterfish and coral store in WA, but i have not bin to kevenpro's shop.
but indoor reef has healthy fish and a lots of acros , and softys, reel nice stuff, and the guys there are super nice and helpfull
indoor reef!!

I trust the guys at indoor reef... I have had lots of luck with these guys, they treat you very well and have a good discount card too... not to mention they have a nice quarintine system for all there new fish...

As an owner of a custom aquarium design & maintenance business, SALTWATER CITY in Bellvue is about the only preferred one in my book.. I won't say anything bad about the rest . but when i need something in a hurry that is where I shop retail, and I don't mind paying a little more for quality/YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!!! And remember storefronts have overhead, so if you don't want to pay the high price, in the near future all there will be is petco and petsmart.. and of course online retailers, which is a whole nother topic. Jeff.
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This is often but not always true, getting what you pay for... I have seen sad looking specimens way overpriced and awesome deals as well. But I have never heard a bad thing other than money about Saltwater City. Having worked briefly in a store I feel this is not fair. They have to pay rent, wages, and really astonishing electric bills on top of other expenses, and take all the risk when shipping goes wrong. Unlike some online retailers wholesalers do not give refunds for stock that arrives dead or near dead, and often the airline is at fault which will not insure livestock despite neglecting it severely. This is why I don't haggle. I don't want to be forced to some day choose between Petno and Petstupid.
My favorite store for a long while was Below Sea Level but I haven't been there in a while. They had the right idea, stick to livestock and let the online businesses/box stores take the customers for drygoods. Some day I wouldn't mind having a boutique style fish store like that. Beautiful store, beautiful livestock, knowlegable staff. Small but with what they had who could ask for more. Of course it was expensive but you did get what you paid for there, that's for sure.
Go with your gut

Always go with your gut feeling about a store. There are plenty of nasty stores in my area. I will never buy from a chain comany, as well. Look at the behavior of the fish, the tank conditions, and ask a ton of questions about suppliers and their theories and practices. Most reputable dealers will ask YOU loads of questions before selling you a fish. (Including tank size, how long our system is going, other inhabitants. A reputable dealer would lose business before he sells you a fish you can't keep) also observe how they interact with buyers.