opinions wanted

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2008
Nine Mile Falls
Can you guys on here give me your opinions on kent marine products? I am hearing a lot of negative, but it's only from a lfs.
In General. I realize that there are lots of products. Okay, how about like Iron, Calcium, things you may add on a weekly basis. My lfs is telling me that I could use the whole bottle and it wouldnt matter. Just looking for general info.
In General. I realize that there are lots of products. Okay, how about like Iron, Calcium, things you may add on a weekly basis. My lfs is telling me that I could use the whole bottle and it wouldnt matter. Just looking for general info.

Not true. Everyone tends to follow their own recipe for reef tanks. Goals I set which worked for me are as follows. Alk 2.8-3.5. Calcium 400-420 ppm for reef tank.
The simple water change using filtered water from RO or RO/DI properly mixed to manufacturers recomendations is a good start. That is usually 1.025 or 1.026 specific gravity.

When I started into hobby everyone told me watch your calcium. That is a broad statement. I used dry form Kent products for calcium. I used dry formed Kent buffer also. The dry form was easier on my pocket. You just mix with RO or RO/DI water and dose. The slower you dose something, the easier it is to recover from mistakes, on animals.

After you have learned to mixed saltwater, letting it mix with powerhead for bring the Ph up to same temperature and salinity as Aquarium. You can test your calcium, Alk, and Magnesium.

Here again goals I set for my self when dosing.
Calcium for corals 400-420 ppm
Alk 2.8-3.5
Magnesium should be 3 times calcium level.
For example Calcium level is 400 ppm, your Magnesium level should be 1200ppm.

If your magnesium is not balanced with calcium level, your calcium will fluctuate pretty fast.

calcium and Alk compete or balance each other out also. If you can not get them to balance out. Then you most likely have a low or high Magnesium level. If you ever have a issue the best recourse is a properly done water change.

Testing, may it be Alk, Cal, or Mag will not be accurate if you just dosed for about 4 hours usually. You want to make sure specific gravity is up to manufacturers recommendation (1.025 or 1.026 usually) or salt will not work as designed.

Here is a link from one of my favorite aquarist.


Keep asking questions, this is the place where people love to chime in.
There are a lot of good people in this hobby. :)
Good luck,
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Ed can always be counted on for accurate impartial yet completely usable opinion.

Keep in mind if you maintain frequent water changes in a tank not over-packed nor heavily stocked, you will not need to dose anything.

Todays better salt mixes have it all and have it in a pretty decent mix.
Melsmom, whatever happened to your Foxface? Did he make it? You didn't update your thread....
wow. that gave me a headache. lol thanks so much for all that info. I'm keeping it so that I can ref. back to it. My foxface....No. he did not. then I lost a valentini puffer and a koran, and a singapore angel. I am NOT HAPPY. will not go back to that store either. but now I have to re learn everything! that's alright. I will. I have 3 happy little clowns. Percula/false that is. and theyre awnry as can be. So, will just wait things out. No ick in the tank. that's a good thing. I did treat with Rally and Kick ick. which I wish I hadnt but didnt know what else to do.
so off for the day, and I'm beat.
Thanks again all of you!!!!!
Never add anything you cant test for. In most cases regular water changes will replace trace elements. You need water test kits to check you levels. Never add unless you know why your adding and you know the level.