Our new (to us) Solana like 34g cube

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Hey all. We picked up this set up from a fellow reefer here and dare I say it is now our favorite tank??? It came with the tank, the Solana stand and the disco ball MH pendant light. We set it up in the master bedroom and kicked the 29 gal FW out tank to the garage until our daughter gets back into town to take it to her place. This new (to us) set up looks to be a homemade cube to mimic the Solana 34g that they put the AIO setup from an actual Solana into. We broke it down at the sellers house and took it live sand in place, water in buckets and all to our house and had it set back up within 2 hours. Virtually no cycle to speak of. Becca just loves the groovy disco ball MH pendant. That was the main selling point to her. It's our first venture into the MH lighting and we are interested to see how we like it or if we will be doing a retro fit LED build into the pendant sometime in the future. So far we have not added any corals or other livestock other than the two fish that came with the tank, an occ. clown and a purple pseudochromis and a very small CUC. We tossed in 4 or 5 pieces of dead rock to give it some aquascaping and somewhere for the fish to hide. Again we didn't want to shoot it into a cycle by adding too much rock. We will slowly add a piece or two here and there until we get the look we want. Right now we are running skimerless but the bio load is super low as well. We are keeping our eye out for the right deal there too. Here are a couple of cell phone pics for now. Sorry I have not figured out how to set the white balance on my phone camera yet.




You guys will Love this tank...I will suggest getting the media basket from Intank..It is very well made and fits perfectly in chamber 2.This will give you the ability to run chemi-pure and purigen as well as a great tray to fit your filter floss in.Its super easy to change out the media. There are really only a cpl skimmers that will work in this tank..But they are not a must with a light bio-load and great husbandry...Congrats on the new tank!..I was so tempted to buy this as well when we picked up a few things from him..Btw...you got a great price as well..:)