Ozonizers...? are they worth it...?

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
central,east new jersey
I try to look over the threads .. and notice ! nothing about " ozonizers "... i have been tossing around getting one...(? )...is this type of equipment worth all i'ts made out to be.... ? does any one at Reeffrontier have any long term use with the Ozonizer.... hope to hear from anyone..... mmmmmmmmmmmm ? i just keep noticing that it may be kinda risky... not counting expensive... cw.
There are a number of members that use ozone on RF. IMO, it is important to understand how to use them properly before trying it. I also think using a controller with one is important. What type of system do you have, and what are you looking for the ozone to do for you?

Here are a few recent threads:

Thinking of Running Ozone

Ozone Alters Skimmate?

ORP Calibration
Say... thanks for the Info... theres so much i can learn from........well as to my system i have a 55 reef.. lots-o- liveRock...A sea-clone 100, a Viva 750. a 175W..Halide/ 2 95W actinics... a power sweep,........ i have been thinking of ozonizer for the tank so to give my Frags the best possible ( like we all want ) condition to grow..... it's a costly out lay for me ...yet if i go this direction... i want to understand the benifits/ drawbacks of Ozone Use in my tank... next question ( boy, i have lots ) is my present skimmer ozone safe..? and how do you tell if it is or isn,t.... NaH20... thanks for pointing me in the right direction....! cw. ps.... great pics you have of your tank....... so..? du ya Tig Man....? up-side, down-side... any-side...? ( had to say that.. ! welder to a welder... ! )
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Instead of spending money on an ozonizer and a controller, why not upgrade your skimmer? That way you can buy one that is rated for ozone if you still decide to give it a shot down the road. I'm not sure if the Sea Clone is "ozone safe" or not. Thanks about the pics of my tank. The stand frame is Tig welded, but I didn't do it.....so I don't know what the other part of your comment means. :)
nikki is right why not save a ton of money and get the very best skimmer you can afford. i am by no means any kind of expert, i dont realy know anything about ozone, but i do know that the seaclone skimmer is crap, i am not trying to be rude or anything, i payed 40 dollars for one and felt robbed. i did every mod on the net to it and it was still garbage. i think if you bought a realy good skimmer you would be very happy
To NaH20... the other part of my comment was kinda welder language..." i was asking if you can weld in allpositions that a certified pipe welder must do " i saw the picture and thought you where a Welder...? ( i am by trade a pipe welder ) say... Loohunter... what type of skimmer did you finally settle with....? cw
on my 100 i have two cpr bak paks they are alright. the colection cups are small the aqua c remora is a better choice. on my 200 i have a etss evolution 750. this one is realy cool. sorry about the seaclone rant. i just feel like a person is getting robbed everytime i see one. they arent cheap either. i believe the aqua c is about the same price. i am not a skimmer expert either. there have been countless skimmer threads on the forum. do you have a sump or are you limited to a hang on skimmer
cwrenge said:
To NaH20... the other part of my comment was kinda welder language..." i was asking if you can weld in allpositions that a certified pipe welder must do " i saw the picture and thought you where a Welder...? ( i am by trade a pipe welder ) say... Loohunter... what type of skimmer did you finally settle with....? cw

Ahh! Makes sense now :D. I am so happy that I have a steel frame for the stand. It is extremely sturdy, and allowed me to have a very open bottom to the stand without the center brace most wood stands have between the doors.

loohunter asked a good question - is there a sump, or are you relying on hang on tank skimmer? Recommendations can be made from there.
Yes... the welded stand...! IMO is the best way to go... i made one for a friend sometime ago... theres no warpage with a welded stand.... as fars as the skimmer... i have to rely on a " Hang-on ".......... any help/ comments are appreciated..... thanks to you all.. cw
For hang ons I really like the AquaC Remora or Remora Pro. You can also get a prefilter box that skims the surface of the water, which I feel is a good way to get rid of the surface film.
I agree with everyone else, although that's the first thing i thought when i saw the words seaclone, is i would spend the money on a better skimmer myself.... I think the aqua c's would be the best bet for HOB.....As far as welding goes I did Tig/Mig alumnimum for about 4 years.. gotta make the ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc' s for it to be pretty. peace.
Its funny, I saw Seaclone and thought the same thing. Get a better skimmer, before you spend money on other things to give better water quality. Although, I think I got lucky with mine. I have the 150 model of Seaclone. It works great, I have to empty the cup every 3 days. Its a pain to play with though. They are very touchy. To low, lots of micro bubble in the tank, to high and you don't get the foam in the riser like you should because of the larger bubbles. I am definately going to keep it for my QT. But I do plan on replacing it anyway. I feel I could have better skimming than what I have.
I have 3 aqua C hang on the back type skimmers. I was happy with them when I first got them then they started skimming kind of slow. After about 5 months I upgraded to a much better pump. I had the MJ1200 to start with. The upgrade pump I used is the Viaqua 306 pump rated at 526 GPH. All that is needed for this mod is the bump and a section of 3/4 inch clear tubeing. This made a huge diferance in the skimmate quality/quantity. They really pull out the crud now. The manufacturer does not recomend ozone use on these because they do not provide a way to scrubb the air comming out of the skimmer and it is not healthy to breath. I emailed them about this a few weeks back after I bought a ozone pump on ebay. I am going to mod my skimmer to take ozone. Right now I am focusing on moveing. 350 mile move with 2 reef tanks and full of coral is going to be trickey!

Hope I helped you with your skimmer choice. Heres a pic of the upgrage pump I used.

I have a "Sander" Modell 50 and I am very happy with it(and so are my aquarium. Although some believe that it is dangerous I do not think so. But if you are still doubtful about it you can visit "Sander"s site and be sure very easyly because they give all the details about their ozonizer and guarrantie that it will not kill anything in your aquarium.
I am using it for 6 months and I do not see the water in my aquarium(it is more than cristal clear). And also the pH level is fixed between 8.3 and 8.4.
But if you want you can also buy a Redox meter and you check the level of ORP in your aquarium. (I did not because if you are in the limits mentioned in the website of Sander, you do not need.)
sunbeam said:
I have a "Sander" Modell 50 and I am very happy with it(and so are my aquarium. Although some believe that it is dangerous I do not think so. But if you are still doubtful about it you can visit "Sander"s site and be sure very easyly because they give all the details about their ozonizer and guarrantie that it will not kill anything in your aquarium.
I am using it for 6 months and I do not see the water in my aquarium(it is more than cristal clear). And also the pH level is fixed between 8.3 and 8.4.
But if you want you can also buy a Redox meter and you check the level of ORP in your aquarium. (I did not because if you are in the limits mentioned in the website of Sander, you do not need.)

If you follow the rules ozone can be used safely. Buying an undersized unit and assuming your safe is not safe. Probably the most important thing is to run plenty of carbon. Salt mixes have bromide with ozone it gets turned into bromine. Redox is tricky and is pretty difficult to get a accurate reading.
I do run ozone along with alot of others but it is by no means a substitute for a poor skimmer.
