Parasite or not?

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Nov 2, 2006
I have a 39 gallon tank which has been running for 4 months. The live rock that I put in there came from a very established tank and had lots of coralline and other life (mini feather dusters, mini starfish, and tons of other cool stuff). I have noticed of late that these little purple organisms have been popping up EVERYWHERE! They look like little anemones with bubble tips and are about 1/2 an inch across. I thought it was cool at first, but no they have started appearing on my coral frags and zooanthid colonies.

I am wondering if I should be concerned about these creatures… and if so, what should I do?


**I know a picture would make answering my question much easier, but at this moment that is not possible. I always get blurry pictures anyways… If I can not get an answer I will try to post a pic after the holiday.
sound like majano anemones. They are pest and will take over your tank if not controlled. A pic is needed for def identification. Hot (boiling) water and a turkey baster will kill them. Also joes juice will work. Get positive identification before you do anything but since you say they are spreading everywhere my guess is prob right.
Sounds like "tulip anemones" or possibly "Majeno Anemone" but from the colors you've described, I'd guess Tulip. I don't know how harmful they are but I do believe they are somewhat of a nuisance anemone. Do a search for nuisance anemones and see if you can find any pics that match.
I found a picture of what has been popping up in my tank. Are these majono anemones? I googled pics and these dont look like all of the pictures of identified majano anemones.

Also, if I were to get rid of them using the boiling water via a turkey baster what should I do about the anemones that have grown in my candy cane colony and my zoanthid colony? I am assuming the hot watter will hurt them too.

Anemonia cf majano is the most likely but I wouldn't rule out an Edwardsia species.

For the hot water problem, do you have any old titration test kits? The dropper tubes in those work fine. You can also look into a product called Joe's Juice.