pH question!!

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Nov 13, 2009
Lewiston Idaho
My husband is out of town, leaving me to do all of the reef keeping...scary! We have been having some trouble with a few of our corals having tissue loss for the past couple of weeks. We did a 20 gallon water change on our 75 gallon about 2 weeks ago. I did water tests today before doing 10 gallon water change. Here are the levels I got: Mg 1120, ALK/DKH 6.4/2.29, Ca 380 and pH 7.7. The water I used to do the chage with had a pH of about 8.1. I am just wondering if anyone has any tips/advice/thoughts on any or all of this. I am also wondering if anyone has any tips on how to safely raise the pH and why it would be dropping. Any info would be GREATLY appreciated!!:confused:
When did you test the pH? How long had lights been on? I ask because ph drops at night, with lights out. If you tested with lights out, or shortly after they came on, you should expect a lower reading than if you test after lights have been on all day.

This is a pretty low pH level, and I'm wondering if your test kit is accurate. Your other levels seem within reason. Take some water to Bob's tomorrow, and have him test the pH. In the meantime, in case it is a bit low, aim powerheads more towards the surface, to get more surface agitation. Also, if you have an air pump, air tubing and an airstone, you can drop an airstone in the tank and immediately raise the pH. Another thing you might consider is cleaning out the skimmer cup and neck, and make sure the skimmer is aerating the water as well as it should.
I did the pH test at about 3 pm. The lights had been on since 9 am. I took some water to Bob's and he tested the water also...pH of 7.5!! Could the air stone raise it too high? If not, I will happily try that! I will also clean the skimmer, it needs it anyway!! Thanks so much for know I should not be allowed to be a fish nerd by myself...:)!! The fish need Scott!! Thanks again Michael!
Thanks so much for know I should not be allowed to be a fish nerd by myself...:)!! The fish need Scott!! Thanks again Michael!

Oh balogna!!! You'll make a great fish nerd!! Angie was thrown into quite rapidly as well, and she survived. So will you AND your fish.

Bob's test does seem to agree with yours and your test was done well after lights had been on a long time.

No, the airstone won't raise the pH too much. There are also ways to raise it, without effecting Alk or Ca, but I'm not totally familiar with those. Baking Soda is one of them, but again, I'm not sure how to direct you to use it. Try posting this in Boomer's Reef Chemistry forum.

There's also products, such as AquaVitro OH Balance. It raises ph without effecting Alk or Ca. You may be able to find something like this at Bob's. In the meantime, while your ph is low, it's not dangerously low. Keep an eye on it and make sure it's not dropping much lower though. I'd suggest having lights on your fuge, while lights on your display are off. A reverse lighting cycle will keep it from dropping much lower.

A couple things that might help...

Anything that's decomposing, in your tank, will try to drive down the ph. These include fish poop, uneaten fish food, decomposing algaes, etc. Even fish respiration... So, vacuum up any detritus (gunk) from your live rock and the top of the sand bed. You can also blow the live rock off, with a turkey baster, or powerhead. The gunk floating around will then be picked up by the skimmer. If you have any filter socks on the tank, empty them. They could contain decomposing junk.
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Thanks again for the reply. There is a light in the fuge. Scott said he tried to find out about using baking soda and is going to do more research tomorrow. I am glad to know the pH is not TOO low!! I cleaned the skimmer, so we'll see what the pH is tomorrow. Thanks so much!! The Ca reactor has also been off for a couple of days...could this do anything?
I don't think the calcium reactor being off would have much of an effect. I'm reading right now, on using Baking Soda. I know it will raise pH, but not sure how much/gallon to use and such.... SO far, I'm reading that Baking Soda will effect Alk more than maybe we don't want that option. Again, Boomer will definitely be able to answer this, in the Chemistry Forum.
I have found that the easiest and safest way to raise your PH is to get some fresh air in your house.
I have found that the easiest and safest way to raise your PH is to get some fresh air in your house.

Winter time some people might keep things closed up ie. house, fresh air may be the easiest way to help with this problem but I'll post some information from boomer.
the other thing to look into if its still too low is a buffer. I am not using any aragonite in my tank at all and as a result I have been using a buffer to keep my ph at a good level.

might be something to look into it has worked well for me

hope this helps
I tested today and the pH was 7.9. I had the windows open all day...only in Lewiston could I do that:)! I have the powerheads aimed to the surface. I will check again tomorrow and see if it is still slowly coming up!! Thanks everyone for the great info!