Phoenix bulbs and sps

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
I switched to Phoenix bulbs a few months ago and it seems like they are absolutley frying some of my sps. All my montis bleached first, which led me to believe it was a light intensity problem. Over time many of my other sps have suffered--it looks like the tips are "burnt"

Since I switched to those bulbs, I have redone my tank, as I lost most of my sps (pulled sandbed, added 2 tunzes). The stuff that survived started to look really good again, but recently I'm having some "bleaching" and "burning"

Anyone else have a bad experience with these bulbs? I've heard that 250W DE are as intense as 400W--do I maybe have too much intensity for a 90 gal?

Everything else seems to do fine--zoos, blastos, lps, and clams which are primarily in the lower part of the tank

Here's a link to the "rebuild"
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An easy test would be to put the old bulbs back in and see if the corals recover. It sounds like an acclimation problem to the increased light intensity but that is just a guess as there are many other factors it could be also.

PS: A reduced photo period (2-3 hours a day) is another option.
Guess I should have mentioned that I did the acclimation thing using layers of screen. Most things browned out on me. When I removed the screen they colored back up nicely, but now I'm having the same problem again.

Guess I should also mention that I switched from from AB 10k DE, not from a SE bulb.
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Here's a dumb question for experienced DE users. Is the protective UV glass on the DE pendants directional? Meaning, does it matter which side is down or up? I wouldn't think it would matter, but I thought I'd ask.

Katrina - are the bleached corals random in the tank, or are they all kind of in the same area? Are there surrounding SPS that have maintained their color? How long have you had these bulbs now? Its weird that this is happening again. Things had been looking good.
no it is not directional.

Sounds like a light intensity issue to me as well, but it is hard to say as it could be heat, chemistry etc etc.
Have you added alot of carbon lately , started using ozone, start using a phosphate remover or any thing that would change you water quality or clarity from the norm ?

How long had you run those AB 10K's before switching them out?

How long had you run those AB 10K's before switching them out?

About 8 months Nick

The bleached stuff is in spots all over the tank--there are bleached pieces right next to pieces that are fine.

I've run carbon and phosphate remover consistently for over a year--nothing has changed. I run a large chiller and my temp stays very steady around 78-80. I did have a spike of 86 last week due to a pump problem, but that was one day only and well after the problem started.

I'll check my parameters
Hi Katrina! I haven't seen you around for a while. Sorry you having problems with the tank. Hey are you sure you have only had one temp spike? Do you have a tank monitor like the neptune or something? Was the pump that you had problems with feeding your chiller?
Don't know if you solved your issue but here are my 2 cents.

I switched from AB 10k DE to 14k Phoenix about 8 months ago and haven't had any negative effects. Most of the corals are showing better coloration. Growth seems very good as well. The corals are in 10 inch deep growout vats about 1-2 inches below water level, so they are getting hit with good amounts of light.

When all else fails I recommend water changes if you haven't already done some.
thanks for your replies. I do weekly water changes. Went back to the AB bulbs awhile back--everything looking great and growing well
sounds like the uv filtration is not up to par. could be cheap glass that just isn't doing the job. you should not be able to produce enough good light to burn the corals with 250 w mh. I have seen friends tanks like this and not sure what type of glass they got I think it is a low E type glass with high visibility. blocks uv but doesn't make it as dark. cardinal glass is what I have found for windows to be the best low E with the highest visibility.