Pics of Kids on new dirt bike.

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Jun 30, 2004
bowling green ky
Here they are. The kids on a Honda CRF50 dirt bike. We got it yesterday for Justins 10th birthday. He loves it. I love it. I always wanted a dirt bike when I was a kid. Just wasnt gonna happen. So far he has rode it, Haily, and Allysa his sisters, Latisia and Nikki the neighbor girls, Peyton and Carlotta my good friends little girls. They all love it.
It has a little throttle lock on that will keep the speed down to a managable level untill they get better. Allysa and Peyton are both 12 and are able to ride it unrestricted except just on third gear. I got on it, and it will fly in third open throttle. So the plan is to save up and get Allysa a CR80 and get me a CR125 or KX125 and go to Land between the Lakes and ride the trails. It has big section closed to everything but bikes and ATVs.
Its a 2004 the 2006 costs 1483$ we got this one for 650 with hardly any use on it.
Are you sure those are Dirt Bikes? Man those kids are good! They keep practicing they are gonna make some money for ya!

Ok, all joking aside, those are cute kids. Thats a really good way to keep em busy. Awesome pictures Steve!
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Thanks Krish I got a cool pic of Trin on the ninja. She is all laid out across the tank. Her head is tucked in behind the screen just looking up thru it. Her feet are straight back to the pegs. She looks like she is drag racing it.

Thanks Ed, is one of those your son, or you racing? I have decided the only things that are more fun than motorcycle are airplanes. (well at least with pants on.) LOL
I have done worn out the stock rear tire on the little ninjette and since the front is hard as a rock and doesnt stick at all anyway. I ordered Avon Super Venoms F+R.
Justin is doing really well with the looking where you want to go, and avoiding target fixation. Still having trouble with the throttle on/off/on/off thing.
Haily gets the throttle just fine, she tends to over brake and look where she is going to be in the next half second rather keeping her eyes up.
Allysa just wears it out. She is doing good.
No unplanned get offs yet. We went thru the first tank of gas today. And the old innertube broke at the valve stem.
I changed it out and put that groovy tire slime in the new tubes.
You know how proud they are to be riding a real live motorcycle. Its the coolest thing to share this with kids and watch them ride.
COOL!!! What about Trin!!! Atleast let her wear the helmet!:p

Next year when she is 5 I will get her a set of motorcycle training wheels and let her have at it. If she is ready.
She still has trouble with her first bike and the training wheels. Runs into cars and stuff. Just not ready yet.
hey that's really kewl dood :) .
One thing that i want Antonio to have when he gets older is a dirt bike and take him to the tracks that are around here, so he can have a little fun with other kids :D .
Yeah definetly wait for Trinity, you don't want her to get hurt.
wwouu James dood i didn't know you could fly :p:D .
that's a very nice bike.
i see families here by the bus stop (it's a park thingy and it has a dirt bike track) every weekend doing their little races, you'll see the dad and the kids getting ready to go into the track, they sometimes even have a truck that goes in there and sells gear :) , it looks really kewl .
Next year when she is 5 I will get her a set of motorcycle training wheels and let her have at it. If she is ready.
She still has trouble with her first bike and the training wheels. Runs into cars and stuff. Just not ready yet.

ROFL!! Well, I guess it's just pretend for her for now:p
Krish your ride is awesome dood, custome built, full capasity.... and a panda bear as a design ...... awesome dood :lol:
wwouu James dood i didn't know you could fly :p:D .
that's a very nice bike.
i see families here by the bus stop (it's a park thingy and it has a dirt bike track) every weekend doing their little races, you'll see the dad and the kids getting ready to go into the track, they sometimes even have a truck that goes in there and sells gear :) , it looks really kewl .

That's not me. That's just some pics. I was trying to show what some people do with them.

This is me though a few years back on my 250.
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That brings back a lot of memories. I had a little Honda 50 when I was a kid in the early 70's then moved up from there as I got older and bigger. Steve if I was you I might consider a 250 as opposed to a 125.
LOL Stan. I have a 250 ninja road bike. Its plenty of power for me. It tops out with me on it, accounting for the speedo inaccuracy at 106 mph. On little 16" wheels. I was at the cycle store looking at 125s and 250s I think a 125 will be just fine for my skinny little butt. I just wanna ride with the kids and lady friend. Plus the plan is to get Tiffany riding. So if Justin and Haily share the 50cc, Allysa rides the 80cc and me and Tiff share the 125cc we would be in better shape. The super secret plan is get Tiff enjoying the dirt bikes, so she will ride the little ninjette, and I can get a VFR or a Concorse. Probley the VFR though. Its prettier.