Pics of my new 20G Long nano.

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Well-known member
May 25, 2005
Bellevue, WA
Here my newly setup 20L nano tank. This tank started as a QT tank but thought it would be fun to turn in into a nano reef. I'm going to use this thread for pictures of my progress.

-Standard 20L glass tank (30x12x12), black seal
-Home-built stand.
-MJ900 PH
-Penguin HOB Filter
-Catalina 2x65W PC lighting
-Stealth 50W heater

-20 pounds cured LR, 1 hermit (to see if he lives or not, lol)
-couple green mushrooms, not much yet.

I just set this up a few days ago. I tossed in a few mushrooms to "test" the water and see how they would do and they seem happy so far. I'm going to use this tank for a softy/LPS grow-out tank since my main 65G is starting to become more SPS and many of my softies don't see to like the MH light. I am undecided if I am going to even add any fish or not (I don't really want a skimmer). If I do it may just be one small one. I'm sure I'll come across something I want eventually.

Upgrades in process:
-Adding a CPR CS50 overflow
-10G sump/fuge
-Building a hood so my neighbors don't think I'm growing pot (these lights reflect off the water and light up the whole upstairs of my condo)
-probably some moon lights

I think that about covers it. Comments are welcome, enjoy!

I'm guessing you are an advocate of skimmers :) My whole intention of this nano was to keep it "simple" but haven't really been doing a good job of that. I didn't plan on a sump, hood, auto top off.....or a skimmer since my bio load was going to be very light. But for $35, that doesn't seem too bad. I was planning on getting my moon lights from, so there is a chance that skimmer may make the trip as well. Have you heard any feedback about it?
Eh, I'm in no hurry to get a skimmer. If I do get one it would probably be the CSS65 since I know that one will be able to hang off the side of my sump.
css65? i've never heard of that, who makes it?

and yes, these jebo skimmers actually work pretty well, either hang on or in sump. i've seen them in action and they make some nice dark skimmate.
CSS stands for Coralife Super Skimmer. I have the 220 version on my main tank and have been quite happy with it. The 65 is just the smallest one they make. I have been following a thread on RC about that Jebo skimmer and it actually seems somewhat promising. Do you know if those Jebo's are needle-wheel? I saw advertised as so on ebay, but haven't heard anyone else mention the pump that comes with it.
i saw the same add, all the others dont say it, so,im guessing the guy is on crack, i didnt actually check when i saw them working.

i keep forgetting thatt css is coralife, i've been hearing alot of crap about those skimmers, basically theyre great as long as you get one that doesnt leak.
skimerwhisperer said:
i saw the same add, all the others dont say it, so,im guessing the guy is on crack, i didnt actually check when i saw them working.

i keep forgetting thatt css is coralife, i've been hearing alot of crap about those skimmers, basically theyre great as long as you get one that doesnt leak.

If its in the sump it don't matter if it leaks. But since ASM came out with thier new mini, I think I am going to go that route for a skimmer.

To the original poster. Without fish I would say no skimmer on a small softy/LPS tank shoudl be fine. For more random water current I would say hook that MJ900 to a manifold to prove more complete coverage of flow and you will be golden. Just keep up with the water changes.
Thanks for the skimmer options fellas. I think I will eventually add a skimmer but it's just not an immediate priority. I have heard of the ASM mini and I may have to look into that. As for fishes, I have been giving that some thought. I think the tank would be too boring w/o anything in there. I may head over to The Shark Reef and pick up a pair of B/W Clowns. I am also interested in another shrimp/goby pair. I have some updated pics that I'll up load in a bit.
i saw the same fish in your icon a few weeks ago at blue sierra, probably sold by now though, i have the css and it's worked fine for me, i'm not sure what all the leaking is about the one thing that can cause an over flow i've found is using the skimmer box and putting the flexible tubing into it with the sponges straight down, i just don't use the skimmer box and let it bubble, still working on fixing that, may try some of the mod's i've seen, any advice would be great