Planning a trip/ need input

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Jan 27, 2005
so me and a couple friends want to take a trip to central america or just somewhere warm this winter...

can i get some feedback on the best times, places, and general rules of thumb.
is it ridiculous to go in the winter?

i want to be able to swim without freezing.
we want somewhere where there is a populated area but also the chance to enjoy nothing at all.

any ideas would help out a bunch....
oh and gotta keep $ in mind.

hmm if you're going to Mexico, the place that i used to love was Acapulco ... and the best part is that it's never cold :D , in the winter it gets to about 80- 90 degrees and in the summer.... well you better don't go in the summer unless you wanna be burned :p.... serioulsy they get past the 100s, but there's stuff to do there and if you go out of Acapulco, there used to be a place (i don't remember the name right now ) where you could go eat the best fish, drink, sometimes sleep in those swinging thingys that you tie to the tree (ok i forgot their names :p) and swim in what they call open ocean :p (you know my english is to screwed up :p ) and what it means is that sometimes there's sharks :p .
Anyways is cheap if you go with friends and relaxing ....... then you can go to the night clubs.
Now you can always bring me and i'll translate for all of you so they won't take advantage of you ...... ok ok fine don't take me but i hope one of you speaks in spanish so that way you know what the heck people are talkign about or they'll ask you for more money.

Another great place is Los cabos ..... ahh that's a very pretty place but it's getting a little bit americanized , they might even accept dollars.

Manzanillo, very pretty place if you know where you're going , summer is the same... extremely hot and winter is hot but it has its changes .

I have heard cancun is a good place but the same, it's getting americanized .

hmm well you can always save up some more money and go to Brazil..... i have heard there's good places to stay, some cheap, never cold, women women and women so no girlfriend allowed if you go :D:p .

hmm i don't knwo about other places in central american but rule of thomb is ... learn a little bit of spanish before you go, if you're going somewhere make sure you go with someone, and don't bring anything expensive that you wouldn't wanna loose ;) :D .
yea already learned hard the first time i went to mexico... it was TJ's and i got arrested with 2 other gringo's(sp)
for being white and lost.

ended up costing us $300 to get dropped off at the border after driving around for hours upon hours in the back of there kennel trucks.

thanks gaby :)

i'll ask more Q's in a few
LOL!!! ohh yeah i remember you told us something :D .... now if i remember good.... that's where you got your earing in the mouth right?? :p :D.