Back a bunch of months ago when me and Guerry were designing/testing patterns and layouts we came up with a few conclusions. One was the dawn and dusk are nice but are for us only, no real effect on the coral (only a chance of negative) the slow ramp up falls into the same category. In the calculations it became very clear that no matter what combo of royal blues, blues and various types of white we incorporated we would have way more then enough par for growth, almost to much but being able to run the unit at a low % of power became a good result for that.
So that left us with coloring up corals, so we know that the pigments in the coral that gives us all the ewws and ahhs are brought out by exciting the pigments. Each pigment has a certain NM area that will excite and and bring it into play, so we directed our most of our attention to providing as many mini spikes in the different waves lengths as we could. So long story short we used two types of whites, blues, royal blues and a couple of greens to accomplish that (would have been nice to throw in a couple of UV's to is we could have found them at the time) the reds is also for a type of pigment but it really brought out the colors in the fish so we added a couple for that.
Anyway just thought I would throw that out their so you knew the method behind the madness for Guerry', mine and Eric and Becca's
good luck