Plastic Dip?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Bothell, WA
Just curious....

I'm looking at plastic dip, the stuff you coat tool handles in, to cover the interior of the wall/floor/shelves etc.. on a through-wall project. It is chip resistant, weather resistant, salt resistant, literally plain old plastic. I found it in a spray version and am wondering if anyone has used it before?

Here's the link that I found:

Let me know if you think it would work, I might order a bunch tonight!
So, you want to use it to coat the interior wood to protect it from the water ? Im sure It would work fine for the purpose. Sounds expensive. Why not tile for the floor and marine grade paint for everything else?
Marine grade paint was my original plan and I still might go that route. As far as tiles for the floor, that's still an option too. There will be two drains installed in the floor and I was thinking that if I used the plastic spray, the interior wall would become a giant plastic tub that water couldn't seep out of. The cans are 11oz and roughly $6 each. I don't have a clue what the coverage is. I might have to get a can and test it out.

You can see in the attached pic the wood and floor that I am trying to cover (plus the built out wall in the living room and the view from the stair case....the project will get finished some day...:rolleyes: )
Sanitred sump owner here.

If you email sanitred, they can send you a complete instruction set for doing a plywood/glass aquarium. Their tech support is great.
I would really want to carefully read the MSDS for that spray stuff before I used it.
I would really want to carefully read the MSDS for that spray stuff before I used it.

My contractor came out tonight to do a little more work (it's been almost 3 weeks since he's been here, I was starting to get nervous:eek: ). I talked to him about the plasti-spray and he thought it would be too expensive and wouldn't give the results I was looking for. He recommended some product (I think he called it Spantex but I'm not sure of that). I printed out the Sanitred info and gave it to him to read.