POLL: Salt Mix

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Which Salt Mix is your preference?

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Oct 25, 2005
Puyallup, WA
What is your preference in Salt Mixes?
I'm starting to get low and want to be sure I get a good one.

Thanks for your time.

IO, I like it because it seems to work pretty good for me, and at 31 bux a bucket you can't beat it.
I used to use kent marine i liked it, but i decided to use IO

1- i found it a little tiny bit cheaper than Kent
2- i could just buy it at saltwater city instead of going all the way to Blue Sierra just to get salt
I'm back to IO. Tried Oceanic and am still recovering from the hair algae...lesson here is, it is not just what's in the salt, but how different it is from what you just switched from.
where do u get $31 a bucket of IO? is it the petsmart and bring in their online price, i've heard u can do that, also i got oceanic 200 gallon buckets for $26 at the oceanreef lfs in poulsbo on sale
Same lesson here

I was in the same boat as Reedman Have switched to IO for about 5 months now and My hair algae is allot less, My PH stays more stable so I don't have to dose with super DKH to keep it up. All very good However My Coraline algae is , Has greatly reduced growing in not starting to recede, So i have 6 buckets of IO left. I may try Crystal Sea Marine mix, can get this very reasonable in Portland at the Sea Horse
Has anyone checked out this link before?


reedman said:
I'm back to IO. Tried Oceanic and am still recovering from the hair algae...lesson here is, it is not just what's in the salt, but how different it is from what you just switched from.
Has anyone compared the the IO and IO Reef Crystals? Is it worth the extra money to use the Reef Crystals over the regular salt mix? I am going to buy a 50gal bag tomorrow(nice part of a small tank :D )
Detri said:
Has anyone compared the the IO and IO Reef Crystals? Is it worth the extra money to use the Reef Crystals over the regular salt mix? I am going to buy a 50gal bag tomorrow(nice part of a small tank :D )

Well...if you buy the IO Reef Crystals Bag, you will have a photo of Chuck's (MtnDewMan's) tank.....

In my opinion, that's the best part of the salt..lol

- Ilham
All of the breeders and propagators(sp?) I have known and still know use Instant Ocean.
Tropic Marin is probably much better, but between the elevated cost and availiability, Instant Ocean is my choice for store and home. Changing water in over 2000 gallons would get expensive!
There is also the argument that if your supplier is using one salt mix, the animals may suffer if slammed into another...
I ended up buying IO. Since that was the majority and all the tanks that I have seen in pics prove it works well, I figured why not go with the majority and save a few bucks too.

I beleive thats why you are expected to use a QT and acclimate the fish with small amounts if tank water in the bag before you add the fish to the water. It may still shock it a bit. But atleast the fish has a bit in its system first.
Does anybody know what that salt mix is that contains everything but the sodium chloride? Supposedly, you buy the sodium chloride locally (cheaper) and end up saving in the reduced shipping costs.