Polpys out??

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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
I seem to have full polyp extention at night with my SPS.
Buy during the day when lights are on not so much??
Why is this???
Almost all of my ACROs are this way..????
It could be any number of factors. In our tanks, nippers are the biggest cause of no daytime PE. SPS do this naturally in the wild to help avoid predation. If they extend at night, have good color and are growing then you have no worries. Ive recently stepped up my rotifer feedings during lights on, increased WC's and removed all of my leathers in trying to help improve day time PE.
Adam i was just thinking i havent seen the polyps out on the coral you gave me, this explains it im going to have to stay up late and turn my night lights on to see if they are out.

Must think its still in your tank lol the other sps's i have are out duringthe day.
It could be any number of factors. In our tanks, nippers are the biggest cause of no daytime PE. SPS do this naturally in the wild to help avoid predation. If they extend at night, have good color and are growing then you have no worries. Ive recently stepped up my rotifer feedings during lights on, increased WC's and removed all of my leathers in trying to help improve day time PE.

I'd have to agree. Although I have great PE during the photo period and even greater at night or in the morning at least twice as long if not longer. I have no nippers in my tank so maybe that is why.
its do to that they feed off light durning day with there zool tisues and at night when the plankton is a drift in the ocean they then filter feed on the plankton its a win win situaiton corals do have the recolect to relise theys not at the ocean no longer and just now that they is in a enviroemnt that seem to meet there needs so they are suriving
its do to that they feed off light durning day with there zool tisues and at night when the plankton is a drift in the ocean they then filter feed on the plankton its a win win situaiton corals do have the recolect to relise theys not at the ocean no longer and just now that they is in a enviroemnt that seem to meet there needs so they are suriving

Holy run on sentance!:lol:

Duane is right there are a number of factors involved. Nipping fish are usually to blame. I think rb also could be a contributor to loss of PE during the day. At least that was my experience.:) I wouldn't be to worried about it as long as your corals are growing and coloring up you should be fine.:D
I had the same problem. Found the reason to by my pygmy angel was occasionally nipping at my SPS. Removed the little bugger and polyps were out.