PomPoms not Cheering at all.

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Mar 13, 2008
I've had a bad set up in the past and these Xenia have been since moved into my new tank a month ago.

All my sps and lps are doing great. The watermelon shroom I thought was gone and dead on live rock has since bounced back and to my surprise ..growing more shrooms.

I have one issue and that is my Pom's seem to have shrunk before going into this tank...they have lost there fluffyness.

I had placed them mid way in the tank and they didn't seem to be wasting away anymore ...but they are not growing like weeds like most Xenia do.

What can I target feed to increase there growth ? I know it takes time for sad corals and livestock to recover but it has been a month now and they seem to just be stable but not recovering as fast as I thought they should.

I know they feed out of the water column but is there anything I can do to increase there feeding so they can bounce back faster?

I had placed them near the bottom recently on the base rock and they are below two 250w 14k hamiltons. Hope the new placement will help them.

Tank flow Korilia #4 x2#3's and #1 yes lots of flow.

Dose C-balance daily also.

Ro/DI water top offs plus Premixed by LFS ive been going to. Water tests never show me anything outa wack. Though I havn't done anything recently with testing ... like mentioned sps and lps are doing great...clams ... i see lots of new growth on them all.
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I don't know the truth or fable of this, but I have heard on more than one occasion that xenia really like a little extra iodide added to the system.

They love particulates in the stream. Try stirring things up with a powerhead or turkey baster. Mine have always done better in any tank that I fed a lot of Nori to. Seems to anecdotally help confirm the Iodine theory but could be other factors too such as simply more food present.
I have heard stories of some people not being able to get them to live in their tanks and some can. I have some xenia and it is growing like a weed. It is at the bottom of my tank under 2x250 MH and 4x 39 watt T5's. Have you checked your Iodine levels I do know that is something they need?
they like dirty water. well not dirty but compared to the pristine water sps like it is dirty. they do best in nutrient rich water. also they look great and pump very fast when there are lots of other soft corals in the system..
they do like a little exra iodide too..

Then its possible my very clean water is not promoting rapid growth. =\ well I guess ill just leave them where they are ...maybe put them someplace that doesnt have too much flow..but thats kinda hard to do with the amount I do have. The idea behind being in a spot with some flow vs other areas of my tank is there may be more of a chance for them to be exposed to more "dirty" water in my water column. Probably flawed idea..but i dunno what else to do.

Iodine..im not sure. I dont have a test kit for it. I use that daily dose of C-balance that contains it. And thensome. Though its to replenish tanks with skimmers and keep calc and alk in check..it does have a essential vitamins to it.