Prayers needed please

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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
I'm requesting prayers for a family and for my daughter...

Our daughter, Madison, is in kindergarten. Last weekend one of her classmates was in a bicycle accident, not wearing a helmet. Every day, our daughter has been asking when she would be back in class. The entire classroom made posters for her. Last night, they took her off of life support and she passed away. This afternoon, school counselors will be going into my daughter's classroom to explain to the what happened.

First, this little girl's family needs prayers in this terrible time of loss!
Second, please keep our daughter in your prayers. This is something no 6 year old should ever have to experience.
Third, please keep us in your prayers as we try to get our daughter through this.
Fourth, there's a whole classroom of 5-6 year old children and an amazing young teacher who need all of our prayers!

I have 3 adult children, including a 22 year old son. When he was 5, he lost his best friend to a drunk driver. He was completely devastated. I never thought another of my children would have to go through anything similar.
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Sorry to hear Sid...Couldn't imagine :doubt:. Will definitely keep all in my prayers.

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Thank you! We'll be heading to the school in a couple of hours. The school has asked that the parents stay out of the classroom while counselors are explaining to the class what happened. The kids know the girl was in a bicycle accident and they know she's been hospitalized for the past week. The entire class made posters for when she came back to class...

Counselors from other schools will be there to help. The teacher is an amazing and loving young lady who truly loves every one of those children. This is going to be very difficult for her, as well as all of the children. The family also has a 1st grade son, who I'm sure is devastated...

Just a really tragic situation all around, for everyone effected...
So far, Madison is doing as expected. She's had a couple break downs, yesterday evening. She understands what has happened and is very sad, obviously. We will continue talking with her and letting her know that she can talk with us, her older siblings, her teacher or the school counselor, if needed. We're encouraging her to talk about and remember the happy times she shared with her schoolmate.
Been praying for your family daily I hope as days go buy things get easier.. my 7 year old daughter had a friend in class that starting talking funny in the middle of her reading outloud, end up having some water on her brain, I don't know details, but my daughter was bothered for a while because the change happened in front of her, luckily the girl made a good comeback after about 2 weeks in ICU, she still isn't 100% but back at school.. so I could only imagine what your daughter is going through.. my prayers will be with you and yours...

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Heart breaking stuff... :(. Prayers are still being made on your behalf...

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Thank you all. Madison is doing okay, with a few breakdowns here and there. We've been trying to keep her real busy so she doesn't have much time to sit and think. The school's kindergarten classes have a separate playground area, separated from the older kids playground. The children decorated the fence with flowers, notes and cards, in memory of Marrisa, the other day. The memorial will be on Saturday. We do plan to take Madison to it, which will be difficult, but I feel it's something she needs. I went through a bunch of photos that I've taken, during school events and field trips, and found photos that included Marrisa. I'll be printing those out, making them available to the school and parents.

Marrisa's older brother, Dillon, is a year older. He's having a very tough time, which is understandable. Please continue all of your prayers for everyone involved.
Today, we took Madison to Marissa's memorial service. For a memorial service, it was beautiful. There was a special portion of the memorial dedicated to all the children in attendance. Madison took part in that, sharing her memories of Marissa. It was a heart wrenching experience but I believe it will help all to heal. I just wish more of the kids from their class would have been there. They would have all benefited from the experience, IMO. Later, everyone in attendance wrote notes on helium balloons and we all released them at once. The family asked me to photograph that portion and it was an honor to do so.