Proper Filtration

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Feb 21, 2015
Hi all, I'm new to the forum and things have changed quite a bit since I last housed any salt tanks. I currently have a 40 gallon fish and softie tank, but I'm looking to upgrade. I am looking at a 115 gallon with overflows and I'm in need of a sump which leads to my question: should I go with a refugium or stick with what I know which is wet/dry? Any thoughts and concerns are greatly appreciated and I would really like input on where to find good used equipment as I'm trying to upgrade on a budget. Craigslist has been helpful, but it seems rather sparse for equipment. I have lights (old school as well... metal halides) but am looking for sump/filter, return pump, skimmer, heater, etc. The tank I have now started out as a gift for the kids, but I've become addicted and need more room. I want to make it a reef tank for sps, lps, and fish. Again, any help and input is greatly appreciated.
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With live rock in the display, there is no need for a wet/dry as the bacteria in the live rock does the filtration.
Free up the space that the wet/dry occupies and use it for a skimmer and a refugium.
Yes IMHO wet dry is thing of the past like under gravel filter. Dosent mean don't work or ppl don't use em today. I'd go with a simple sump set up and a good in sump skimmer. U won't go back.
Ull advance from there. Or make it work as u see fit.
I think wet drys and bio balls r being used by fw guys. Now -a - days.
Edit: almost forgot. Sry. Welcome to rfs!
Bioballs became nitrate factories. Visit Mike at Oceans By Design. It is worth having a custom sump that has upgradable compartments. Look for fuge settlement section for greens and pods to grow, a skimmer baffle section. carbon, kalk reactor section or dossing section and Auto top off section (helpful for maintaining salinity from evaporation). OBD's sumps are enclosed to keep moisture contained.