Protein skimmer question

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Feb 2, 2008
I'm in the process of starting a system that I purchased used. my question is how do I know if the protein skimmer is working? The pump turns on and and works but I don't see anything in the collection cup.
I beleive its a coralife. and I can't see much in the collection chamber because its submerged in my sump. and no, no foam so far but i've only had it running for an hour or so
sorry let me clarify. the collection cup is above the water but the rest of the skimmer is submerged so its hard to watch it operate.
Ahhh...Cool! :cool: About the skimmer again though, do you have the instructions that came with it to say how low it is supposed to sit in the sump? I know with my old skimmer (AquaC EV120) it had a height requirement when submerged to operate properly. The gate valve which is where the water exited from the skimmer, had to be above the water line, but the rest of the skimmer could be submerged. I'm not familiar with how the coralife's are supposed to be setup, but that too could be part of the problem. It may be lowered a bit too low in the sump and therefore may not function properly. Just a thought...I'm sure someone more familiar with the skimmer will chime in soon:)
I have a corallife superskimmer. According to the directions the pump should be submered at least 3 inches. The instructions prefer 5 to 6 inches. I do notice mine running weird when evap happens. I have mine submerged 5 inches and have no problems. It skims like you wouldnt believe. But like mentioned above, it depends on what model you have.
here are some pics. I don't have any directions. The skimmer doesn't make any bubbles inside the clear tube and i dont see how it could since there is nothing inside the tubing to create them. I'm thinking there must be something missing.

Also, if I just need to let go and buy a new one then I'm ready to accept that too in with case I'm wondering what would be goog for a 72g with a 15g sump
that is an older octopus skimmer, probably first generation...
mod that puppy!!!

you should mesh mod the impellar, mod the venturi, and boar out the plumbing...
instructions on this thread:

i cant tell which model that looks like the octopus nw-110. what does it say on the pump?

also, if you want, you can bring it to me and i'll do all the mods at barrier, but it'll be $25
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Just to be sure, the airline and silencer are out of the water when running, right? That's how air gets injected... through the pump via the clear airline tubing.
sun. it is then

sherman, I think I had it set up right but I'm still struggeling with this. Even though I hate to admit it I'm not really understanding how this thing is supposed to work. Since skimmerwhisperer has offered his help I think I'll just go with that. Besides that'll give me an opportunity to drool over their store. Looks awsome judging by their website
Mark will make that bad boy hum

And yup you will drool, Cy and the guys keep a great place

Over time you will understand more and more the "goal" of skimmers and how they do it. Many kinds, types, methods.
