Protein Skimmers/Trace Elements

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RF Staff
Jul 28, 2011
Olalla, WA.
How long long should you run your protein skimmer during the day? I understand that it will remove the iodine and trace elements from the water. How do you know if your trace element levels are within their limits?
You will have to test your water regularly to check your trace element levels. I did this weekly for stuff like alk, mag, cal etc. As for skimming, I think it is safe to say anyone running a skimmer, runs it 24/7. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone shutting theirs off for any length of time besides cleaning it. :)

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Husker your going to loose trace elements through skimming, but in saying that your going to loose them through the use of most filtration methods. Also with most trace elements we dont really know what effects they have or if they even have an impact. That and the fact they are just "Trace" means that no matter what their effects are minor at best. I find to just make sure your on the safe side to find a good grade trace element suppliment and dose very infrequently to cover your bases.

The one thing we do know however is that detritus and similar gets produced 24/7 so best to keep filtration running at the same basis.

Also to add to all that was mentioned, a person like me who does weekly water changes, is another way to re-introduce trace elements through newly mixed make up water or nsw. I think I posted a bit to quickly earlier when I mentioned testing for things like alk, mag and calcium because as far as I know, I don't think a skimmer removes much/any of these things. Usage of these things will mostly come from stuff like corals, coralline etc which would have to be dosed in one form or the other to keep your levels consistent with your target numbers. :)

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I have been using Seachem Reef plus/ Concentrated Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement twice a week. Is there anything else you would suggest?
Well vitamins and amino acids are not trace elements, they are more of a suppliment. What is it you are trying to do by adding these?

"N1Huster" If you want, I can set up a poll for you on skimmers and how long people run them each day if it helps you any. Just let me know and I'll set it up. :)