PSAS club memories

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I have no fish.
Oct 8, 2003
Lovely Lynnwood
One thing the club is lacking is any sort of history. I've been around the passed few years and have been asked by a few members, how long has the club been around, etc.

So how long have you been an active member, and who are the club's grandpa's and/or grandma's?

Tell us what you know!

Any pictures from years back would be fun to look at too!
I think the first meeting I went to was at Mtndewman's place. Took me forever to find it at night. Maybe a dozen people (all guys, though one guy may have brought his girlfriend), a cooler of pop and beer, a plate of chips. Very informal.

Any history you put together will need to mention Paul Merkling. He did a lot of background work for the club back then.
I've been in the club for about 4 or 5 years now (can't remember). My first meeting was a tank tour of Mojo's reef, SalsaBoy's, Fragman, a couple in the newcastle/bellevue area and some other really, really nice tanks. I was hooked at that point.

Mushroomboy definitely did a lot. Rex was the librarian, there was a paper/electronic newsletter that Chuck put out that featured (you guessed it) his prized clownfish on the cover. Good info, classified ads, and other tid bits about upcoming meets.

We had beer at the meetings. Several meetings on Mercer Island.

I think I've subconciosly blocked the rest out.
well, i wasnt a member yet, but i think the first meeting i ever went to was one at blue sierra when i worked there, i think it was the first time eric borneman came to speak, i remember eric(salsaking) had brought a massive dual beckett protein skimmer to raffle off(i think that was the same meeting), and a dessert table that was filled with cookies, cakes, chips, massive snack overdose!! that must have been 2001, or 2002, i remember we had just re-designed the 3 tier tank set up at blue sierra, and they had incorporated my idea of having moving lights on "the rail", we got the system set up and cycled and we slapped a massive order of corals in it just in time for the psas meeting, it was a massive coral fest! after the meeting i remember, every one scurrying about trying to put dibbs on corals scribbling there names on the tanks like rabid squirrels at a peanut factory:p i thought to myself, "wow these guys are seriously addicted to coral"
that's my first memory of psas
.......and here i am today, enabling coral addicts on a grand scale :D
Wow Mark that sounds fun. I'd like to see more of those meetings. Especially the desserts ya know. Where's Gab, she can make us some.
When I joined up we were just meeting in people's houses. Maybe 6 people would show up. So we had to get things going and take initiative. Before too long a small crew, yes Mushroom Boy was a huge part of it got our membership and meetings to be so large that the Mercer Island Community center was required to hold a lot of the meetings. Since they are in renovations, the meetings have since been moved to Bellevue Community College. I did host a meeting, and there were 32 people that jammed into my place. Here are a few pictures of that one which was in Feb 2002

You will see some familiar faces. Also note we did a workshop building a sump in my then empty garage. And you can see what my tank looked like back then.
In May 2002 we did a tank tour. Saw some neat stuff including Mantis Shrimp Tanks and awesome displays by Microsoft employees :) Oh and I believe a mojoreef tank prior to the making of the beast too :)