This Puffer has 'teeth' that are more like a parrot's beak. It will need grinding down. You can provide foods that help do this, but even with such foods, it will require that the puffer be anesthetized and you will need to grind down the teeth yourself. Most hobbyists use a grinding tool used by jewelers.
Anyway, one of the ways you can help the fish control the length of its teeth is to encapsulate food in a cement-like mix. Find a high grade, fast-setting plaster of Paris mix (maybe used by artists?), turn it into the right liquid, put into the liquid mix: raw shrimp, raw clams, or raw squid, etc., etc. and let set. Usually pouring parts of the mix into a paper molds (cups). After setting, remove the paper mold and freeze. Put a thawed one into the tank every week. This is one example of killing the boredom and helping to grind down its teeth.
Your clam is a good idea for one example.
Live hermit crabs (in shell), live shrimp, live scallops, etc. is another good source of the dual approach, however you must quarantine them and any living marine life before using in the aquarium.
Cleaning up is your job. These fish do make a big mess and are high waste producers. You'll need to be sure your skimmer is over-sized for these kinds of fishes. However, their personality is a big plus in their favor! :biggrin1: