Putting in new corals

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Love my Nikon
Nov 1, 2010
Tacoma, WA
I have some frags on plugs. What is the best way to deal with the plugs? Can I remove the frags from the plugs?
Use lots superglue gel.....put glue on plug, then place it on LR. Twist plug, glue will be on LR, hold for a few seconds 'til glue hardens.
I have also use epoxy putty.
Hey IMO I'd cut them off frag plugs then glue them with Super Glue Gel to small pieces of LR outside of tank (easier) then apply gel to LR piece and twist/hold in place on aquascape inside tank til set. The small pieces of LR look much much better, are easier to glue into place and easier to pop off and re-glue elsewhere if/when needed.

Cheers, Todd
+1 to Other Todd for sure! Live rock rubble is the way to go with frags. Most coral can be removed from plugs with a little effort.
'pends on the coral and how it is attached. SPS I can usually clip off the plug right at the glue line with side cutters, coral cutters, dremmel or very carefully with a chisel. Softies can typically be scraped off of a smooth surface with a blade. I use an exacto knife with a chisel blade for zoas.
Often the gel superglue is the weak point, and if the coral has not encrusted over it, you can just "pop" the glue loose.
Another way is to use a wet saw, a few of us are buying one this month, they are sweet.
Go to the next PSAS frag class, they do a really nice job of showing the different coral and mounting methods.

Under normal circumstances, glue gel is weak, if not set with coral, then you can just "pop" the glue loose. Another method is to use the wet saw, some we purchase a month, they are sweet.