QT - Hypo question

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May 27, 2008
Hey Lee,
I have yellow tang that has been in QT now for almost 8 weeks. Eating great and looks very healthy. I did a couple rounds of Prazi treatment over the last 8 weeks and I'm not seeing anything that makes me question the fish's health. So, with no signs of parasite,infection, or Ich, is there any reason that I would or would not want to do a hypo treatment before placing the fish in my display?

If you don't see any parasites why would you want to stress him out with a hypo treatment? And once a hypo treatment is complete you will need to slowely raise the salinity so add another week unto whatever time you decide to keep him in hypo.
from what i understand,the hypo itself shouldn't add any stress as it's easy on the fish's systems and closer to the fish's internal salinity levels, but the raising of it would would be where the stress would come in. this would end up being another 5 weeks possibly since if i remember correctly, hypo is supposed to be a 4 week treatment. after 8 weeks i'm ready to get this guy in the display.
My personal feelings would be that if after 8 weeks in QT the fish is still happy and healthy that it would be time to move them into the display and not into another treatment cycle. That is strictly my opinion though =)
yeah, I want to just move him, last tang I got was infected with Ich and wiped out my whole tank last summer. Trying to be extra cautious at this point.
if the fish is not showing any signs of parasites in an 8 wk period, IMO, there is NO need to do hypo.I would place in main display..
hypo should only be used if parasites are present.