Quanine Sulfate or Copper??

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
Coeur D'Alene, ID
Hello all,

I am getting closer to getting my DT up and going, and I am setting up my Quarantine Tanks. I have been doing alot of reading about preventive treatment especially for Marine Ich and Marine Velvet. The general concenscious I have been finding is to treat with a copper based medication--for example SeaChem's Cupramine.

A couple of weeks back I was on the phone with Auquanaut and the discussion of QT tanks and QT protocol came up and I said that I was planning on doing 2 weeks of treatment with copper and then do 45 days observation for a total of 60 days. She was happy to hear that I was going to be doing a QT regimen for all fish and she liked the ammount of time I was going to be doing it for. She suggested that I look at Quanine Sulfate (an Anti-Malaria drug) as the medication of choice instead of a copper based medication.

I am asking for some guidance on which to use. Please , if possible, give sitings (links et al) or books that support your statements so I can research further. Also, where can one aquire Quanine Sulfate if that is determined to be the better treatment than copper.

Thank you in advance for the help and advice. I want to make the right descission about the health of my fish so that I can do everything possible to eliminate any MI or MV getting into the DT when I get it set up.

Thanks Kirk,

I read the first link before when researching QS, but did not look at reefcentral. I have been reading WWM too.
I have used the quinine tx also. went the full two weeks and found in the end I used about 25% more meds than called for with no ill affects. biofilter remained intacts which was a wet/dry with ceramic media. I did I beilive an 8 week further qt and then dumped the fish into the previously fishless for 3 months tank and my powder blue tang spotted up within a week. I took them all out and went with hyposalinty after that. I don't know if the tangs spots were ich! but I wasn't taking any chances.

I trust deb's opinions and experince and would use it again but probaly go 4 weeks with the tx.