Question about mushrooms

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2006
I have a rock with 4 large mushrooms that are doing very well; when I bought it, it also had a beautiful smaller sized orange colored mushroom with the cluster. The green mushrooms have grown so big that they cover the smaller one. Can I remove/split that mushroom from the others and have it grow on its own on a rock or something? (Forgive me if this is a dumb question - I couldn't find anything on this subject through the search feature.)
do not put superglue on the will just slime up on you....if you can chip a piece of the rock that the mushroom is attached to, then you can glue the rock piece to a bigger one.....or you can cut the mushroom "cap" completely off and place it in a shotglass( some people use other containers..i find shotglasses were the easiest).. cover the top of the shotglass w/ bridal veil and hold it w/ a rubberband...leave it at the bottom of the tank in a place where a little flow can get through the will attach within 2-3 weeks... you could also cut back the other mushrooms on the rock and it will give light to the base of the orange mushroom you just cut....all the mushrooms will grow back evenly on the rock then:)
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it may help to hold the mushroom upside down in the water and cut the cap off, then you could cut the cap straight down the middle, with a razorblade , like a pizza....4 pieces are good for me... they will all grow into full shrooms
ok, let me get this straight; you're suggesting I cut the cap off in 4 piece and set them directly on a rock? or do the shot glass thing with them.... (think I missed something there).
cut the cap off at the base.... then slice it like a pizza..cut it in half twice..try to get a piece of the mouth in each piece... you will be left w/ 4 pieces... they will be very slimy....put each of them in a shot want some flow coming through the bridal veil..the slime that they produce when you cut them can smother them...try to get most of the slime away from them before you put them in the shot can wipe it off w/ a napkin..
And the missing step...
Place some rubble in the shotglass (or other container) so that the mushroom has something to attach to.
yeah, i completely forgot to mention that!!! it will attach within 2-3 weeks...leave it alone during that period, unless you see it covered in slime....that means not enough flow is getting through the can smother it:)
Here is how resilient these blasted things are: Leave a little bit of the foot (attatchment) to the rock, you won't need any part of the mouth for it regrow into it's very only new shroom. Started w/one, now have four, all by their own devices. It's even worse with xeniids.
ya, as proof of hardiness people have propagated them by putting them in blenders, though not suggested it will yeild many, i wouldn't do it though but some people have, do what they said, divid the foot into many pieces too they'll all become new shrooms
It sounds scary but in a month or two you will begin to see the results. I had a mushroom that was not attached to any thing when i started my tank. I tried the shot glass method and i couldnt get it to attach( i dont think i left it alone long enough) but i was pulling the glass out of the tank to see if it had attached, which it was not, and it floated out of the glass and right into my power head. to say the least, i have about 7 mushrooms from that one. Good luck and dont worry about killing it.

well like i have said in other threads.... you people are lucky !!!.
1 hairy mushroom (my favorite by the way) for 2 years never splitted until this year i believe, i put some xenias by the mushroom and in like a week or so i had 2 mushrooms and that was it !!!
I have some green mushrooms too and they have never split in all these months either.
Sure you can slice them... but for me i just let them do whatever they want, i'm not strong enough to slice a poor mushroom ( well what do you expect from a girl :p).
Just the cheap mushrooms split on the own J/K I have a beatiful orange ricordia that just refuses to split. I have a green hairy that I bought loose of a tank bottom for $1 about 2 years ago and I now have over 60 of them. If only the ricordia would have grown 60 babies!!!
Be sure to cover the shot glass with some veil type material called tulle (Plenty O Tulle?) Hold it on with a rubberband. Can also use a piece of a nylon, etc.

Rics do propogate. My single green ric I bought from blazer now has three little clones. My red one I got from Paul (fragman) has just split. I have them directly under a 250 halide. They seem to like the light better than other shrooms IMHO.

Maybe try Steven's method?:lol: :lol:
Yeah I know ricordias split, I was trying to make a funny. I just seems like sometimes the common ones will overgrow tanks, but I've never met any one who is like man I have hundreds of Ricordia that just took over my tank?!? I do have some interesting red regular antidiscus that get to 6" I have to basically give those away as they can start to shade out the neighbors pretty quick.